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Silverboy - 2017-04-16
In response to Re The "FOAB". (Curious)

I agree with quite a lot of what William Perry said, he was no fool. However if the US military could have taken out the Yongbyon reactor in the 1990's and also all the NK artillery and air force they should have done so at the time.

The time for "diplomatic pressure" is over with North Korea. This regime needs to be removed by force. China has been extremely weak with North Korea. China is a rogue state and a dictatorship itself anyway.

The only silver lining is that the USA still has an arsenal of ships, missiles,and assorted military hardware and bases all over the Asia-Pacific. This "Pivot to Asia" that people like Obama have spoken of in the past during visits to Australia.

For the USA and also Australia to have even more military influence in Asia is the way to go. This will act a a deterrent to both China and Korea. I fear China has imperialist ambitions in Asia, just like the Japanese did. Same with North Korea.

This must not be allowed to happen. China MUST NOT become a dominant player in the Asia-Pacific region. They need to be contained and restricted.

Messages In This Thread
The "FOAB". -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-16
Re The "FOAB". -- Curious -- 2017-04-16
Re The "FOAB". -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-16
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