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Silverboy - 2017-05-04

As I've said before the Chinese government and Chinese people are self-serving. They lack empathy and consideration for others. It is easy to observe this behavior when living in China.

When I first lived in China 10 years ago I developed pneumonia, which I had 11 years earlier also ( 1996 ) Nobody at the school was the least bit concerned even though I was seriously ill.
I had to help myself, much harder then because I could not speak Chinese at the time. Nobody wanted to help me so a booked a flight from Wuhan to Hong Kong and then Cathy Pacific back to Australia and just left.

I know another guy who had cancer, nobody cared either, just wanted to know if he would keep doing classes. In the whole time I was in China I only really met five people who ever expressed concern for my welfare,
four of them women, three of them GF's.

The Chinese really have a "blame the victim" mentality and if something bad happens to you it's always your fault. In regard to fishing, I think it is a "right to take" mentality like the Japanese had in WW2.

"We are Chinese, we are superior". This is the thinking.

In regard to fishing and oceans, it is not just industrialized fishing that is a problem. There is a lot more crap in the oceans than most people realize, micro-plastics, industrial toxins. A favorite fishing spot of mine in Brisbane, Pinkenba, was ruined recently due to a toxic chemical spill by Qantas at their mega hanger at Brisbane Airport. Tens of thousands of litres of a toxic fire retardant material spilled out into a creek and then into the river and most likely into the bay. Sad to see all the pics of dead fish on TV.

The chemical does not break down easily, similar to DDT. So now people are scared to eat fish and prawns and crabs from the mouth of the river or in Moreton Bay. It has been big news here. I have been using Qantas as my preferred airline over the past three years, I won't be using them any more. The scary thing is that this spill was not reported for several days, so many people would have eaten seafood from the area unaware of the contamination.

Messages In This Thread
China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Curious -- 2017-05-04
Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Caring -- 2017-05-05
Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-04
Re: Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Arthur -- 2017-05-04
Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-04
Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-05
Re: Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- Curious -- 2017-05-04
Re China Wants Fish, So Africa Goes Hungry -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-04
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