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ESL Intelligence China - 2007-05-28

It appears that the State Bureau of Foreign experts again has agreed to liberalise working conditions for FT in China. From what we know here it seems now that schools licensed to employ Fts are no longer required to provide standard package including suitable housing with TV, fast internet connection, etc. For example, schools can now decide themselves which salary to pay to FTs employed by them, and internet connetion which used to be free will now have to be paid for by the FT in many cases.
Schools could even increase the standard weekly teaching load at will and as they see fit and use this as a work-around for not paying overtime.
Prospective FTs new to China and its ESL market are therefore well advised to carefully negotiate their salaries and all the other extras included in the standard compensation package.
There are some rough guidelines as to what a school should pay an FT: with a standard 16 hours weekly teaching load, the monthly basic salary should be

3500 -4000 RMB for B. A. degree holder,
4000- 4500 RMB for a Master degree holder,
4500- 5500 RMB for a Ph.D. degree holder.

Use this as a point of orientation.
And do not trust and rely on any promises made by recruiters. Remember that according to their role they have no final say in what the employer finally will pay, and therefore they are not in the position to make any promises. Always check with the school and get things confirmed in writing prior to your departure for China and before signing any contract.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
Conditions for FTs - Teachers Discussion -- ESL Intelligence China -- 2007-05-28
wages - Teachers Discussion -- KJ/DB -- 2007-05-28
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