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riddlemethis - 2008-05-27

I can see why you're a bit confused about my statement regarding film use. I should have written that others, "have been warned not to show films with Chinese subtitles," rather than the following which is taken from my post:

"Several have been reprimanded for showing inappropriate films in their class. Others have been warned about not showing films with Chinese subtitles."

However, in regards to the use of film in an ESL or EFL classroom you obviously need enlightening about the effectiveness of authentic materials. Unfortunately, though, films are too often used in a manner that reduces their effectiveness. That is, a teacher may have heard that it's a good idea but do little or no research before rushing to the nearest video store with the hope of finding a film that they can kick back and enjoy while doing absolutely nothing. That you have noted that this is proof of the laziness of some teachers shows that you support my belief that FT's are too often a part of the problem and not the solution. For your further enlightenment, Silvertoddler, though I don't know why I'm even taking the time to do so because your post is actually not worthy of a response, I will tell you that, due to my insistence, teachers are no longer allowed to use films in their classrooms at our college without first submitting a lesson plan that outlines how and why the film will be used; moreover, the use of the film must be limited to 20 minutes. And of course there is an absolute restriction on the use of Chinese subtitles.

It was necessary to introduce the above restrictions because our teachers have had absolutely no training in the use of film. On the other hand, there are programs in place in this and other colleges that allow for trained teachers to teach courses in Western Film and Media. Properly used, films can be quite effective not only as a means by which second language learners can increase their communicative competence, but also as a means of examining cultures.

Here's an excerpt from your post:
"Your post, as usual, is rubbish. Another goon who blames the foreign teacher for everything. What about Chinese students who constantly turn up late for class, or not at all? Or those who use their cell phones and MP3's during a lesson, or read newspapers in class. Like another poster said, China is the only place where you will find students who arrive at class with bare hands,with not even a pen and a piece of paper."

Interesting that you have so many problems. None of my students use cell phones or MP3's in class. None of them read newspapers. All of them have pens and paper. Tardiness is rare and dealt with through peer pressure to the point that I rarely have to address it. I would estimate that 90% of my students are "tuned in."

As for what my school must be like, Mr. Popularity, you'll never know because, even though their desperate need for English teachers necessitates the hiring of many who aren't qualified, you still would find it impossible to get a job there. They may have lowered their standards out of need but haven't lowered them by that much yet.

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Re: I need educating. Please help -- riddlemethis -- 2008-05-27
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