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Beatrix - 2004-11-03
In response to Make sure you observe the classics too (ESL_IN_ASIA)

I couldn't resist writing this title.

Well, personally my pedagogical belief system goes like this....The rich chocolate mix theory......
I learnt English by hearing, reading, doing, so I can't separate out one particular way of learning as the best, therefore, the teacher should include all methods, as sweetly as possible.
Sweetness for young learners includes moving around and participating in mime circles to learn grammar by doing. EG mime circle..What are you doing?
I'm dancing.(Present tense). Can be past tense too.
A child does an action and sits down. Ask what did he do? He jumped, etc. Could also be future tense.
You could aid this by drawing a time machine on a piece of paper, and having the students realise the paper represents tomorrow, etc. A student acts or mimes, then sits down outside the time machine.
Ask, What will she do tomorrow? She will eat a banana.

Obviously for older students, who prefer sitting down looking cool in front of their peers, might prefer book learning. Do what suits your students.
You might like to try the above method on a Friday.

We were taught the best method of teaching is facilitating a safe envirnoment, by encouraging and not coming down too hard or fast on mistakes, saying NO!, but instead, smile and say try that again, and supporting the learner.

Yes, it slows down the learning, but the students love the mime method, it's free or costs almost nothing, and effective.

The esl cake...
Ingredients: nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc previously learnt.

Mix: Make basic sentences.

Bake in a hot oven: Converse and make mistakes, learn from mistakes.

Cool: reflect on learning.

Frosting/Icing: Students learn proper-formal-written grammar.

Cake decorations: Graduate with diploma.

Every stage in learning language is valuable, so don't criticise another level or teacher!

Love from Beatrix.

Messages In This Thread
The ESL instructor: animal, vegetable, or ... BS artist? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
don't start a sentence with 'AND' -- q -- 2004-11-02
Depends on your point of view *Link* -- Stranger Passing By -- 2005-02-03
Rules are made to be broken. And I'll write any way I like. -- OnceWritten -- 2004-11-11
q2 "and" -- the observer -- 2004-11-03
Make sure you observe the classics too -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-03
The A#al Retentives Guide to the Great-Grammar-Icing on the ESL cake for Dummies.... -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-03
games, dummies and a#al retentives -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-03
The complete id##ts guide................ -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-03
May I.. -- Ferpectly right! -- 2004-11-04
Good point and good timing :-) -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-04
Drunk on your own verbosity! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-04
EXPOITS! Soooooo #@#!@ many o' dem! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-02
And... -- Ferpectly right! -- 2004-11-02
Different horses for different courses! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-02
The fat lady threw away the grammar book!!! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
A fact is a fact ... but, that doesn't make it right! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
Don't use the G word !!!!!!!!!!!! -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-01
Oral -- Dos -- 2004-11-02
Ditto in Thailand -- Robert Newman -- 2004-11-02
ESL pedagogy continues......... -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
Bottoms Up Arrogant One? -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
Zitat des tages -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Ich danke Ihnen fr ....??? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
AO=Austrian dialect -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Look! He's a poet and doesn't know it! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
Das ist ein teil deines problems -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Insightful -- A. -- 2004-11-01
The BIG picture -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
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