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A. Lewis - 2004-11-12
In response to THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS: Resolving Issues Together (The Arrogant One)

Dear Arrogant One,

just try and think about all of the foreigners from English speaking countries, who fail to learn and utilize the languages of the hosts countries they reside in.
most foreigners come in daily contact with those people who already have some ability in speaking English, and some level of experience in talking with foreigners.

many of them depend on such people to help them and rely on them as translations between themslves and those who haven't much English skills.

For asians in the USA...yes they do tend to congregate in their own social groups and speak their mother tongues.
this can only be quite natural, for life in america is almost exactly the same.

even though the states represents a diversity of people, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, still the majority of people tend to associate with those coming from their communities.

i can't always accept this for i am ethnically diverse and have always lived my life, not 100% accepted in any group.
so when i observe just how much people from around the world and here in the states, lean on each other for social support, sometimes i feel a deep disapointment in my heart.

it's very rare that people from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds, come together and can relate to as "people" to one another.

it seems that no matter how far human civilization evolves, people can only find comfort in those who clearly represent their own community.

myself being mixed race forever, i've always felt the
"outside" of the society feeling...anywhere in the world, as well as a kind of quite advantage to all this mess.

well, the next time you observe the ESL students amongst themselves, just try and remember what i've tried to contribute to this.

i think foreign groups of people realize that in america, people relate to their own.
they probably feel no reason to do any different than the locals.
they might want to expand their horizons a bit, and make friends with those not representing themselves, but don't really know how and where to begin.

compared to asian countries where they are coming from, american society can look very dangerous, depending on where they are living.

plus, asians naturally feel more comfortable around other asians.

peace brother

Messages In This Thread
THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS: Resolving Issues Together -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-12
language exchange -- A. Lewis -- 2004-11-12
Love + United Effort = The True Lingua of Progress -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-14
Bilingualism -- OnceWritten -- 2004-11-14
I agree!!!!!! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-16
Post to the Month!! :D -- Dos -- 2004-11-14
whose trophy really though? -- the telegraph -- 2004-11-15
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