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Dragonized - 2011-03-14
In response to Re proxy fines (Tom)

Due to the age of the "girls" displayed in the picture, I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they may really have never gotten any justice whatsoever in life. However I can't say the same for others.

I watched a chinese document once where the reporter interviewed a victim who was a young girl at the time of WWII. She was kidnapped by the japanese imperial forces and forced to be one of their "comfort women". Although she was only there for a short time she endured horrifying physical and psychological torment including rape, beatings, and depravity of proper food and clothing.

However, once she found her back to her village, nobody in the village saw her as a "pure" girl but rather as a widow. Nobody her age wanted to take her in as a wife. She ended up being married to a man who was around a dozen years older than her and of course it was arranged. When the interviewer was talking to her about her life you can see she devoted a majority of the conversation not to how the japanese treated her but how her own family, friends, community, and country treated her after this incident. She repeatedly talked about how much she regretted marrying a man who didn't understand her at all and having to make, raise, and maintain a family for him. There was so much sadness and pain in those eyes of hers, which makes it that much more memorable even though it's been almost ten years since I saw this.

To all chinese people: Treat your own like how you want to be treated. If you don't disown your own prejudices how the hell do you expect any progress to come to you?? I have been saying in the past that these cultures must disown the crap in their mentalities such as face and stature and just being plain hypocrites for the world to see. See each other as humans, and put this humane thinking into action!

Messages In This Thread
Re proxy fines -- Tom -- 2011-03-14
Re proxy fines -- Dragonized -- 2011-03-14
Re proxy fines -- Tom -- 2011-03-14
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