Crap School Spotter - 2011-05-29
In response to Frank (Thank you so much!)

No FT needs a Chinese teacher to help them plan ESL lessons. They also don't need a Chinese spy in the room to break classroom dynamics, pose distractions, or ruin an otherwise good lesson plan. Chinese co-teachers frequently contradict the syllabus or cannot pronounce words correctly while bouncing all over the map between the mother tongue L1 and the target language L2 while confusing students. Or if they're feeling really helpful, they'll come in and shove a video camera in the faces of the students to make them even more nervous and break their confidence and train of thought so that the ESL teacher can take 1 step forward and ten steps back.

Thank Frank or Ms. Liu or whatever [edited] you want to praise on here by telling them to know their place in education in China. I happen to know a few rather muscular gentlemen that would cherish an engaging conversation with Frank and if they catch up with the [edited] Frank will be in the tank and you can take that to the bank. This forum needs some anti-GW software.

Messages In This Thread
Frank -- Thank you so much! -- 2011-05-28
Re Frank -- depaleter@hotmail.com -- 2011-05-30
Re Frank -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-29
Re Frank -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-28

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