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Beth - 2014-11-13

It is nearly 2015, Silverboy. What this board was like in 2010 is hardly applicable now. Times change. Move on.

This board should only be used for negativity? Really?! How depressing!

No, this board should be used for positive things. If (key word there) a school is bad, then it should be shown as such. However, if the school is good and the 'bad' review came from a disgruntled tourist-teacher who was fired due to their own unsuitability to teach, that should also be highlighted.

Bad schools should get bad reviews, good schools should get good ones. It really is quite a simple concept. And as I have always said, blanket bias and sweeping generalisations help nobody. The truly bad places get lost in the mire. I don't believe negative reviews are made up, but having seen myself that bad reviews cannot necessarily be trusted either, I do feel further research is warranted without blind acceptance as it happens to fit with your own bias.

Good schools, especially in Asia, do need to toot their own horn... How many schools in China did you have first hand knowledge of before going there? I agree that good schools are less likely to have teachers review them on here, but that is purely because of the bile and insults they would be subjected to by the likes of you. It's why I won't review my schools in Europe on here; not because I don't think they need the advertising and not because new teachers shouldn't know about them, but because I don't want their good names associated with a board whose regular posters have the attitude that you do.

Now, can we get back to topic please? This is about teaching methodology for the under-10s... Stop trying to turn it in to yet another thread about your opinion on TCs. It's boring now and we have all said all we need to on the subject.

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Re Teaching the under-10 age group. -- Beth -- 2014-11-13
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