Return to Index › Stop complaining about America, look at China
#1 Parent Wu - 2017-03-31
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

All chinese city has good and bad aspects.
Where do you leave?

#2 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-29
Re Stop complaining about America, look at China

For those of us here, trying not to drown in a sea of contradictions (at all levels, am telling ya), America under Trump looks like paradise.

Just to give you an idea of how the system here does not work at times, a large Chinese dairy company saw its market value dip by 90% (lost 4 billion!) in the last few days as its finance executive went MIA...

Of course, I don't buy Chinese stock, but such stories make me leery: things can fall quickly here.... Of course we are told that someone is holding the whole thing tightly together....

It's safer in China for an individual walking the streets. You might get some phlegm in your face if the Chinese bloke clearing his throat doesn't spot you but that's about all. Maybe drunks in USA are a lot nicer than English drunks and you won't get beaten to a pulp if you accidentally look at some bloke's girl- especially in a garrison town where you can get a good hiding from one of our own brave lads if he's had a bevy or three. You won't get Chinese squadies beating up on their own citizens or visitors- they wouldn't dare. Some lonely woman unescorted is overwhelmingly more likely to get gang-raped in the west. If you call 'freedom to walk the streets' unmolested a freedom then the Chinese are what??

#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-29
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

So, your suggestion is that we stop talking about America, and we talk about you, right?

Well, Fifi, when the real Bugdug/Boudica arrived at Colchester Keep.....well..again, yours was a different history, wasn't it, and the Romans redirected you to Coventry? No triumphant marches for you hahaha. Only joking, how are you?

And yes, I am more refreshing news than that ruddy Trump Soap Opera!

#4 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-29
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

You talk to me about wives.... I think I mentioned in an earlier post that i a gay.

Yes i know, Arthur. I'm gay-friendly if you recall.

#5 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-29
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

You talk to me about wives.... I think I mentioned in an earlier post that i a gay.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2017-03-29
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

So, your suggestion is that we stop talking about America, and we talk about you, right?

#7 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-03-29
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

Most FTs I know don't care. Most of us are in China for a year, max 2, can take off any time and never come back, can forget the sound of 好...

Hahaha! but can we use Hao3 like that ,Arthur? But get your meaning. "Was it like saying, they have stopped talking about America on the forum- Oh good?"

I moan about China because I think the grub tastes like shite. But if you marry well you get paid (as a westerner) in China for doing sod all. When my wife wanted the job she does I interviewed the candidate employer and arranged things like he should pay in sterling, so she comes home like you see in the pic last night and gives me her monthly wage. I will stroll down with the daughter and pop it in bank later today. That is another thing the banks in China are on the ball; they gave me a machine I plug in to the PC anywhere in the world so I can make a cash transfer- that's Bank of China. I need to ask another bank for a machine too. The machine is free.

If you do have a wife in China, you need like anywhere, to negotiate on her behalf to get the best deal. Mind, she is better than me at buying tat from a market stall.

#8 Parent Arthur - 2017-03-28
Re: Stop complaining about America, look at China

Most FTs I know don't care. Most of us are in China for a year, max 2, can take off any time and never come back, can forget the sound of ä½ å¥½...

Aphrodite - 2017-03-28
Stop complaining about America, look at China

For those of us here, trying not to drown in a sea of contradictions (at all levels, am telling ya), America under Trump looks like paradise.

Just to give you an idea of how the system here does not work at times, a large Chinese dairy company saw its market value dip by 90% (lost 4 billion!) in the last few days as its finance executive went MIA...

Of course, I don't buy Chinese stock, but such stories make me leery: things can fall quickly here.... Of course we are told that someone is holding the whole thing tightly together....

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