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#1 Parent Arthur - 2017-05-17
Re Chaos

Beautiful picture. Perfect luminosity. Love the colors left by the sun setting.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chaos

You need to think is it worth going to war with North Korea just out of principle even if tens of thousands of people might be killed.

Is getting rid of Kim Jong Un the "right thing to do" ??

It's seems nobody has the balls to deal with this guy.

And I don't think even Trump has the balls to deal with him.

I now think Trump will do fuck all about him.

You can expect that in May 2018 the little goon in NK will still be at his podium threatening to nuke the USA and Australia and anyone else he considers to be his enemy.

#3 Parent Curious - 2017-05-17
Re: Re Chaos

We can't wait that long. He would have destroyed too much, both at home and in the rest of the world.

Yes, for him, the way out is war, I totally agree with you. And the little shit of North Korea seems eager to play a game of chicken with trump.

#4 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-17
Re Chaos

No one can predict Trump's behavior, but Republicans are already recognizing that he has become an electoral liability. As the midterm elections approach they will need to insulate themselves.

A 2018 Democratic Senate sets the stage for, at the very least, independent prosecutors.

My fear is that he recognizes that the easiest way to galvanize presidential support is war or another 911.

#5 Parent Curious - 2017-05-17
A man in decline

Fascinating interactive graphs at the excellent http://fivethirtyeight.com (Nate Silver) comparing the popularity of trump with all the other US presidents since Truman. I had to shrink the view down to 65% in order to include all the presidents on the screen capture below, which makes it hard to read, but if you want to look at the graphs in details, just click on the link below and chose chose the time frame that you like between 117 days (trump's presidency so far) and 8 years. trump's line is the little green one that starts at around 45% and keeps plunging. He is presently at 40% but many serious pollsters put him closer to 36%. What is interesting is the downward trend: No other president stayed that low during the presidential "honey moon".

But if we forget trump for a moment, it's interesting to see how the public rated the other presidents. Some curves are scary like W who went down in a straight line after 9/11. Overall, Obama, Clinton and Eisenhower did well. Kennedy was very high. Nixon was doing OK before Watergate.

Curious - 2017-05-17

At least 4 times during the last week, I went through this wheel:
1- I start commenting on a new article about trump but do not post immediately, waiting - in view of all the developments - for an inspirational line to add to the article
2- Next morning, another scandal erupts and my article has lost all interest

I just hope a small number of Republicans get the balls to impeach the idiot before he blows up the planet.

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