Return to Index › Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.
#1 Parent taffy - 2017-06-07
Re Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.

Doctors don't know everything!

Good for you I am pleased- no they know surprisingly little.

I have gone on a fish and vegetable diet- it's so easy to achieve in UK and eat well.

#2 Parent expat hubby - 2017-06-07
Re Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.

Back in 1985, when 33 years of age, I was offered a job as a clerk by a brewery on condition I passed a medical conducted by the company doctor. I was sent home and asked to return the following day for a second blood pressure check as I was diagnosed as suffering from hypertension. The second blood pressure check turned out to be as detrimental as the first! I was instructed to see my GP at once. I did not do so. I was relieved to get the job and was placed on 3 months' probation for work performance. I never saw a GP until 1993, when I had to change my GP due to moving house approx 50 miles. I was found to have high blood pressure, put on an ECG, and prescribed a beta blocker. I was unemployed at that time. I took a medical for China in mid 1994. as I had been offered a teaching post there. Again hypertension was diagnosed, and was recorded on the Chinese health check form by my GP, despite my having taken the beta blocker regularly.

Now I have given up taking beta blockers, though I take 1 aspirin/day - this is supposed to thin the blood. I still smoke and drink beer, but I'm fatter now as I am retired and walk much less!

Doctors don't know everything!

#3 Parent Caring - 2017-06-06
Re Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.

I observe FTs suffer the lack of basic info as much as the shortage of dairy products. But only a shrewd, on this site rude, doctor may tell which one is more important. Keep your board advice coming, since the risk of heart attacks from your posts is only high for heavy coffee drinkers.

#4 Parent taffy - 2017-06-06
Re Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.

For many people complete elimination is easier than 'rationing'. Try to find healthy food stuffs that give you pleasure.
Experience many new types of food with your daughter, allowing her to observe the importance and joy of a healthy diet.

Good advice. Not too easy to do what you should do with so many experts disagreeing though is it? Take the cheese as an example. The Daily Mail is virtually saying if you don't eat cheese you will clog up your veins!!

#5 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-06-06
Re Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.

Personally I will ration myself to two slices of cheese on toast a week. Processed cheese
will also kill you.

For many people complete elimination is easier than 'rationing'. Try to find healthy food stuffs that give you pleasure.
Experience many new types of food with your daughter, allowing her to observe the importance and joy of a healthy diet.

taffy - 2017-06-06
Dairy producted deprived FT's at risk from heart failure.


Personally I will ration myself to two slices of cheese on toast a week. Processed cheese will also kill you.

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