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#1 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-11
Re UKIP zero seat

Macron supposed to get huge majority in today's parliamentary vote.
Alt-Right: GFY

#2 Parent UKIPer - 2017-06-09
Re: UKIP zero seat

To all my fellow UKIPer out there: Blah..... you are now free to chose the next loser with whom to associate.

To all my fellow Brexiters out there: It's not going to happen. Head for the pub instead. Just have a pint and fuck off this board.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2017-06-09
Re UKIP zero seat

Wait until a few more terrorist attacks take place, ultra-right wing parties will be more popular than ever.

In the UK you are reaping what you ( your politicians) have sown. The scum of the earth has been allowed into the UK and other parts of Europe.

There are feminists and libtards, even some on this very website who want to destroy Western civilization.

They want Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and Africans to take over the world, especially the women.

Like I said in another post, when they are being raped and murdered by Muslims they will expect white men to save them, only that we will all be in bars in SE-Asia drinking cold beer without a care in the world whilst their lives are being snuffed out.

#4 Parent Arthur - 2017-06-08
Re UKIP zero seat

Don't care much what is going on in the UK right now; I probably should. Thank you for reminding us.

Meanwhile, the GOP (Paul Ryan) issued a defense following Comey's testimony of this morning. See below. I am not kidding. The speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, said "He is new at this".

UKIPer - 2017-06-08
UKIP zero seat

Exit polls: Looks like the UKIP is kinda dead. But the good news is that May might lose her majority. The next 6 months will be interesting. My friend David must be watching the news right now LOL!!!

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