Return to Index › Dyslexia -vs- Root Vegetable - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Observer - 2007-05-28
Dyslexia -vs- Root Vegetable - Teachers Discussion

Now that Dyslexia has been brought into the discussion, it may be of interest to read the following:
Professor Julian Elliott, having raised doubts before about whether dyslexia exists as a medical condition, said he believes the label has been greatly misused

He told The(London)Times: "After years of working with parents I have seen how they don't want their child to be considered lazy, thick or stupid.

If they get called the medically diagnosed term, 'dyslexic', then it is a signal to all that it's not to do with lack of intelligence."

The professor said "the symptoms of dyslexia - like clumsiness and letter reversal - are similar to those seen in people who simply cannot read or write in anything approaching a literate way."
Professor Elliott teaches at the School of Education at Durham University and taught in mainstream and special education before practising as a local education authority educational psychologist.

Apart from the divisions over the true (or false) nature of dyslexia, there is also some considerable controversy about over indulgence in some Root Vegetables, Turnip for example. Should this particular Brassica be taken on face value and ingested ? or simply left to rot. What, if indeed any value does the Turnip have in terms of adding to the intelligence quotient.?
One could be unkind and say none at all, however there does seem to be a minority opinion which endorses the self held view of the Humble Turnip to be a major force in solving each and every ill that benights the world of ESL.
Though renowned for its singular unattractiveness in the market place, the turnip has proven popular with one aged and fatigued gent, and a particular breed of monochrome snake. Both of whom have on occasions been known to attempt to mate with it. Nasty business.

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