Return to Index › it is to laugh - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-28
It's hard being schizo - Teachers Discussion

"Yes, KJ and DB are one and the same. Too bad they don't both collect a pay check," you say...

Well, according to you, not only do you collect a paycheck for two people, I think it would be more accurate (based purely on information you provide in an earlier post) to say you collect a paycheck for FIVE. What other three monikers do you post under DB/KJ?

What makes your employment of two monikers especially galling is the fact that you will use BOTH of them within the same thread, in order to boost foul Fish. It is the most wobbly example of solidarity (not to mention, desperation) I've seen in quite a while.

Dear me, the Ivory Tower is falling, oh my!

#2 Parent KJ/DB - 2007-05-28
it is to laugh - Teachers Discussion

Oh no, I've been found out! Yes, KJ and DB are one and the same. Too bad they don't both collect a pay check. Seriously though, I guess I better get a grip on my multiple personalities before I start using the royal "we" as do Turnoi and Old and Tired. Here's a quote from Old and Tired:
.."we do not need your unsolicited tutoring and lecturing."
I'm sure that the other posters here appreciate you speaking for them Old and Tired.
Well, gotta go; we need to get something to eat.
Oh yeah, by the way, you can call me anything you want, just don't call me late to dinner - as my father used to say.

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