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#1 Parent JNET - 2008-06-10
Re: Phantom of the Opera

I second you on this.

#2 Parent callmefred - 2008-06-03
Re: Phantom of the Opera

So Turnip, posting under another name are you ? Still trotting out the same old lie ? Your particular brand of 'manglish' is recognizable anywhere. Hiding behind an alias? About your mark really.
Just as I was beginning to think that one or two of your recent posts were pretty sensible. Oh well, a leopard can't change it's spots, even a toothless old one like you.

#3 Parent Reply - 2008-06-03
Re: Phantom of the Opera


I would suggest that you keep to updating your English dictionary with entries like "waiste/waste" and other interesting things and that you stick to that. Any other topic is not really your cup of tea (i.e., for any other topic you cannot to be sufficiently competent). As long as I have seen you posting here, you had nothing substantial to say that would really be helpful to others. The only thing you do is complaining about other posters here. Looking in the mirror each morning, you would see the face of a person that is a loser.

#4 Parent callmefred - 2008-06-02
Re: Phantom of the Opera

Silvertot's contribution to the English language:
quote: "If you can't prove otherwise, shut your fat pie hole." unquote. So much for his claim to the skills of a polyglot.
What an asset to the ESL world he is proving to be. It's enough to make me weep.

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