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#1 Parent FrankLee - 2008-06-30
Isn't this forum about sharing opinions irrespective of whether everyone has identical ones?

Indeed it is, or should be; however, as we have seen time and time again that is not the case. Instead, far too often it is a means by which many become lost in the thralls of their discontent. I suppose that it is human nature to huddle with like minded malcontents, but here it becomes glaringly obvious as they seek, almost screamingly, sympathizers who will pat their bottoms and tell them all will be well once they have exposed the villains. The world, though, as you have rightfully noted in another post, linguisticus, is not so black and white. Moreover, perhaps we are all villainous in some ways and saints in another. However, we do need to be clear on one thing. This is a developing nation. We should see that word "developing" as including the evolution of a consciousness that is socially all encompassing in that right mindedness need not be explained or need not be a concept intellectualized in a tea house. Can they get there? Maybe not. Maybe no nation has, and thus the need for the rule of law. Meanwhile, as has also been noted here in this forum, many of those who sully the name of China and vilify those they perceive as culprits stray far too often from the truth of their own duplicity. Pretending to be a teacher and then turning around and calling out those who may be equally duplicitous in their own deception as a true recruiter or a true school or a true whatever seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

Yes, I know, I am opening myself for attack by those who will rush to the defense of the pretenders, yet, like you, linguisticus, I will gladly show solidarity with the true victims, but only if they are not as practiced in deception as those they condemn. Nor will I show the slightest concern for those who obviously seek to stir the pot for no good reason. As we speak, there is a weeding out of the inappropriately placed "teachers" in China. That's a good thing. China deserves, as it develops, true educators who can bite the bullet for awhile and help these young people through these times of difficult transition. The last thirty years has come and gone in the blink of an eye, but look how far they've come. Amazing!

A closed mind is like a closed book: Just a block of wood.
Chinese Proverb

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