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#1 Parent Robert Newman - 2004-11-14

Dear Paul,

As someone who has lived and worked in Thailand for the past 12 years I won't even try to say anything about China or Vietnam. Thailand on the otherhand could be covered in a book.

Any specific questions you have please feel free to ask me. A couple of things to think about:

The type of school you are looking at. Language schools here are a dying breed, with only a couple of exeptions. Most ESL/EFL teaching is now done in mainstream education.

To get a work permit you must have a minimum of a BA, TEFL is not so important, except for the language schools.

Do not accept any job offered until you have seen the contract, and the school. Believe me some are less than livable.


#2 Parent Katie - 2004-11-13
In the same boat....and been researching

Hi Paul,
I also got an enormous response to China when I put my post on this site. The one thing that puts me off is all of the pollution in China - I have asthma so its something that I have to consider. In any case, I think its best to get straight factual information and then make your decisions and not base what you do on the ravings of those who are usually between the ages of 20 -24 and have never been out of their own countries before and not offense to you in that age group who read this but at the age of 42, I know I see the world alot differently than I did 20 years ago so please dont waste time sending me hate mail because I wont answer it. So back to you Paul. I tried a great website called www.embassy-worldwide.com and you can look up your embassy in China and it gives all kinds of info. Also, try www.lonelyplanet.com since they are usuallly fairly objective and there are also lots of comments from people on the thorntree postings and you can put one there yourself.You can also get info about Thailand and Vietnam this way. I hope I have been of some help. I too would like to go to China but I think as a single woman, it is something better to do with someone else and not alone.
Take care, Kate

#3 Parent Beatrix. - 2004-11-13
2 cents worth.........


As I have not been to China yet, I will be reading up on business practices in China, before I even go near. I did a search on China on Amazon and there are a few books available, my advise is to get knowledgable about the business culture of the destination. I have taught in Korea, and it helps to know the business culture before diving in the deep end, which is what I regretfully did.

Hope this helps.


#4 Parent Dos - 2004-11-13
Visa is the main thing


I can only speak for China, but as far as I would be concerned, the thing you really need to look out for is that the school has a license to employ foreigners and will give you (and I mean GIVE you to keep) the Z class visa and an expert certificate.
Ask to speak to other teachers at the school (and past teachers if possible) to ask about their experiences and if they had a visa.

If you need any more advice please e-mail me.

Paul Sorensen - 2004-11-12
Overwhelmed by choices

Hate to put something as general and "newbie" on the board as this, but... I'm a mid-40s American who recently became TEFL-certified and wants to teach English in (in descending order) Vietnam, Thailand, or China. (I've traveled to all 3 in the past.) I am being OVERWHELMED with emails/responses from China (nothing from Vietnam, very little from Thailand). Does anyone have any brief words of wisdom about what and what not to look out for with all these choices? Some sound odd, some sound legit, some, who knows... Thanks in advance for any responses, greatly appreciate it.

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