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Raoul Duke - 2008-08-03
Turncoat Teachers

This started as a thread on my own site; thought it might be worth a try here, too...

From time to time I've observed something here I find most distressing.
A number of our fellow foreigners, especially those placed into some kind of management position, apparently cross over to the other side...

They don't just tolerate the lies and dirty tricks that are played sometimes...they take part in them. They become apologists for the local ownership/management, trying to explain and excuse even the most naked and greedy and inexplicable weasel behavior said managers may pull. When you're ripped off and burned by a school, they expect you to simply accept it as "one of those things" and quietly move on without raising a fuss (ie alerting others to problems and bad experiences at the school or company).

I'm not saying anyone should always back the foreigner's side...as we've all seen, many, many foreigners here are as full of poo as a Christmas turkey, and quite often just plain ol' wrong and/or unreasonable. When the school's in the right, we all oughta back the school.

So, what is it that makes these people decide to go along with the worst elements in Chinese EFL (and sometimes other businesses), and actually help us get sold down the river?
Is it raw, naked, out-of-control career ambition by foreigners who still think they can actually win here in China?
Do they maybe think they "know more about China than these unwashed yahoos they must work with" if they become part of the sleaze themselves?
Is it the gold, glory, groupies, and glamor that come with being some kind of face card at an English school?
Is it simply an evil, nasty nature at play?

Whut up with this? I just HATE when I see this happen...

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