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#1 Parent Observer - 2005-01-20
Sorry . . .

Sorry, but I can't quite follow the logic here.

#2 Parent Wancheng International Education Center - 2005-01-20
Not all of them *Link*

> they are essentially
> flesh-peddlers.

I (as a recruiter) would like to point out something that has been left OUT on this list of querries.
"recruiters" that take you, your info and "sells" it to a school YES I agree. but recruiters that you deal with throuout you stay as well as sign contracts with rather than the school you are (for the most part) in good hands. Some are still cheats yes so do your homework look into the company or better yet CALL THE PERSON DIRECTLY, a phone call to answer your questions does 2 things,
1 it verifies they are a real person
2 you can talk to others in the office there.
Not all recruiters are "flesh mongers" I dont get paid unless you work. The school pasys the company on the first of the month and you get paid on the 10th I dont get paid until AFTER you do.

#3 Parent Henry - 2005-01-19
recuriters *Link*

I've dealt with Footsteps on a professional level and they've seemed up front and straight; note that I've not had anything to do with placements with them but they've contributed some stuff to our site.

There are about 14 recruiters I know of in China so I'd personally write to every single one with some awkward questions and see what comes back; you'll have a good idea of who actually reads your email and bothers to reply properly and who just sends back a stock reply which implies they don't really care.


#4 Parent Observer - 2005-01-18
We all have to learn . . .

> Basically they seem to go to the schools, veto them, check over
> the contract etc. and then provide you to the school providing all is
> well.

No need for apologies--it's a mine field out there, and we all have had to learn . . . frequently the hard way. It's important to know that, despite their claims, China recruiters DON'T vet the schools, check over the contract, or ascertain that "all is well." Despite any protestations to the contrary, they are essentially flesh-peddlers.

#5 Parent Chris - 2005-01-18
recruiters? agencies?

Hmm I guess they are recruiters. All do not require cash to get a job. Basically they seem to go to the schools, veto them, check over the contract etc. and then provide you to the school providing all is well.

I am also applying to independant places but these organisations seem to offer a greater level of security, providing they don't do as you say and run off. :D

Sorry for seeming so clueless, I'm just trying to absorb all the information I can lay my hands on, all that seems to be doing is confusing me :/

#6 Parent Observer - 2005-01-18
What do you mean by "agency"?

> I really like the concept of an agency being on hand to help me out
> if things go pear shaped.

What exactly do you mean by "agency"?(I am not familiar with the organizations you mention.)

I can only speak to the situation in China, but if you are talking about RECRUITERS, it's by and large a situation of take the money and run. Once they've collected from the school, they (generally--there may be exceptions) do a Pontius Pilate.

If you're talking about organizations that YOU pay to find a job, including pseudo-volunteer organizations, then you are being set up. Jobs in China--particularly in the hinterlands--are abundant. No one needs to pay anyone to place him.

Details, please.

Chris - 2005-01-18
Looking for advice on CTTR, Footsteps and OWDC

I am about to undertake a distance TESOL course with a week intensive pracital experience teaching on a residential course and have begun researching jobs (I am looking to leave near the end of March)

I really like the concept of an agency being on hand to help me out if things go pear shaped. I have come across three such agencies which I can only find good things about. OWDC (One World Development Company), CTTR and Footsteps. Can anyone shed any further advice on whether these are a good move or not. I'm prepared that I may well get a bum deal when I go out there but I'm trying to minimise that risk :D

How do these rate to me finding work independantly? Can I begin the application process (securing Visas etc.) whilst still on my course? I'm looking to get away ASAP.


Chris Leigh

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