Return to Index › Reputable Agencies
#1 Parent Juan Cervantes - 2009-11-23
Re: Reputable Agencies

Try horizoneslchina.com. They have very helpful English speaking staff. They are upfront with the details of your contract. They also take into consideration where and at what school level you want to teach. I did not end up taking a job with one of their schools, but they shopped me around and arranged several interviews between myself and some schools. The fact that they actually arranged some interviews and did not just give me an offer during my first contact showed something of their seriousness.
If that does not work, you can try teachinjiangsu which you can find here on the forum. I ended up signing with one of their schools. They offer a standard contract at government schools and everything they promised has materialized. The only drawback is that they are limited to placing teachers in Jiangsu.
I hope this helps. Juan.

#2 Parent Monitor - 2009-11-18
Re: Reputable Agencies

FAO Cristi and other interested readers re Reputable Agencies:

My Preferred Chinese Recruiters' Modus Operandi By:Monitor
Date: 10 September 2009

By 'recruiter', I mean someone who tries to find employment in the Chinese education sector for a foreigner. What about their modus operandi?
(1) Some recruiters will demand a fee for their services from said foreigner; (2) others won't ever.
(3) Some will not provide said foreigner with a potential employer's contact details before a contract has been signed; (4) others will.
(5) Some will not provide a potential employer with said foreigner's contact details before a contract has been signed; (6) others will.
(7)Some will pay you direct while you teach at an educational establishment that they have sent you to; (8) others will take no more than their introduction fee from a potential employer, after which the provision of your employment package is the sole responsibility of said employer.
(2)(4)(6)(8) is my preferred Chinese recruiters' modus operandi.

Cristi - 2009-11-17
Reputable Agencies


I'm interested in teaching overseas. In the process of educating myself on various countries to work in, I've come across many agencies willing to place me. However, I'd like to find a few reputable ones who provide the best services for teachers.

What should I look for in an agency? What are the red flags? What should a quality agency provide?


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