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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-11-29
Re When ESL teachers take things too far in China

You may or may not have good intentions from posting this. However I wouldn't give one ounce of credit for the existence of these "schools". Whatever ideas, logos, teaching methods, credence that they have they most definitely didn't think up themselves completely. By doing this you're trying to get all foreign teachers to constantly keep not only their employers in mind, but also the supposed company logos of other schools as well as any possible ideas that they supposedly thought up.

I'm going to be a nice person on this one and tell you that you're putting way too much effort defending something that doesn't warrant any defense considering the, well, indefensible acts of dishonesty and exploitation that they have done to countless teachers. But you can take a look at the responses to see the general attitude of how we feel about this issue.

#2 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-28
Re When ESL teachers take things too far in China

Take care and do not attempt to bite the hands that feed you.

Good advice, that should be taken by school owners here in China, as it is really our presence that feeds them. Do you really think that it is the other way around, and we teachers need them? I think not.

ilizabeth bloem - 2010-11-28
When ESL teachers take things too far in China

Hi there all

There is an illness on the web: it is called Facebook. Some ESL teachers use the tool extremely irresponsible as well as personal blog sites. Recently someone used the logo of Shane English School in Dongying and opened a group for drinking and marryment ... intentionally spelled wrongly: please note guys and girls out there - that is in violation of trade laws anywhere. Teacher's must be careful what they do on Facebook even if and when it is blocked in China - there is still legally binding international laws. Next time when teachers get merry or drunk and find themselves infront of a computer - don't!!! sleep on it. You are guests in countries you travel to, as ESL OR ELF teachers. Treat your hosts' honor with respect be it on blogs or Facebook. People talk and people from other countries get to see those offensive things.
Take care and do not attempt to bite the hands that feed you.

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