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#1 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-21
Re Salary cut in China

I have my FXB contract in front of me. It say's nothing about that . I posted the website for Chinese labour law a while ago, and according to section 50 it reads as follows: Article 50 Wages shall be paid to the workers themselves in cash and on a monthly basis. In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment".. Did that answer your inquire ???

#2 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-21
Re Salary cut in China

my college as well. no cuts, and paid BEFORE the end of Jan ( yes for Feb pay ) read the website people ! My FAO didn't like that ... he had a call from downtown - yea you know who that was :b

#3 Parent Claudia Rara - 2011-03-16
Re Salary cut in China

they were cost cutting? that's to bad. My salary was still paid in full but I know some teachers who got half. (not from my school)

Pierre Riopel - 2011-03-14
Salary cut in China


Big surprize yesterday when we saw our salary was cut in half by way of deposit. Supposedly we are not being paid in full for the chinese new year legal holiday but only half of it. Since my last time in China was 7 years ago, was there a change in the law I'm not aware of.

Many thanks for your help.


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