Return to Index › Re Individual Income Tax in the PRC - Part 2
#1 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-27
Re Individual Income Tax in the PRC - Part 2

Well since my college was deducting taxes month, i had to confirm it ... Ensure it was going to the tax office. My FAO habitually told me, ' EVERYONE PAYS TAXES ' and " it is your right to investigate the issue ".. Egg on his face.. Sad thing is, the Nanchang tax office called my college and my FAO sent me a text " your at the tax office" I think he is crapping his pants.. Not sure why... I think it has something to do with my reply to him " I am considering a police investigation, as well as notify the Expert Bureau, and officially requesting the Nanchang tax office do an audit " yea that was last night around 10 pm ish, I was drunk ha ha ha

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