Return to Index › returning to teaching - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent Rheno747 - 2006-02-23
I'd begin with a library book - Teachers discussion

I'd go to a local public library and check out a book on TEFL. After finishing this book, I'd go to Thailand for (only) a few weeks to get 'back in the groove' teaching-wise. When you feel comfortable in the classroom again, fly to South Korea and get a real job teaching at a university or a hogwan. You'll make more money, and you'll most likely get an air-fare reimbursement to boot.

Georgia - 2006-02-22
returning to teaching - Teachers discussion

Is anyone aware of good refresher courses in TESOL/TEFL?

I did Sheffield Hallams excellent PGCert about 10 years ago and then got involved in other things (all involving language and communication and some involving teaching too).

I'm interested in getting into teaching English again, but it'd be good to get up to date with recent methods and theory and get some classroom practice again.

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