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Jason - 2008-07-29

It is nice to see people giving their thoughts about the educational merit comparing teaching at public universities and private language schools. I wanted just to offer some of my experience, especailly since it contrasts somewhat from what I've read here, and maybe a different perspective will help those researching these pages for advice.

I've been in China for almost 4 years, and have worked at 2 universities (Sichuan University and Shandong Normal University), and 2 private language schools (Aston in Yinchuan and Interlingual in Tongren). I also have a degree in education and was/am an accredited high school teacher working for 3 years in the USA before I came to China.

It is interesting because my experience is basically opposite of the above post. I found (indeed currently still finding) that the programs at both Sichuan Uni and Shandong Normal to be highly disorganized, with very little in terms of lesson material. Basically I showed up, was never offerred and kind of training or basic orientation, given an hour to look over the very poor texts, and then put in charge of a class of 50 students with no sylibus. Not once in a total of 3 semesters was any interest ever shown in my development as a teacher, or indeed anything I did in the classroom.

At Interlingual it was basically the same. The school was profit driven and wildly mismanaged. I left there after 6 months of a 1 year contract because the working conditions were very poor.

I did a 6 month contract with Aston in Yinchuan, and I found it to be the most professional place I have worked in China. I felt that there was genuine attention paid to education, and the franchisee, Mr. Zhang, was absolutly fantastic. The corriculum that Aston has developed was the best that I used in 4 years in China. I recall when I left there to come to Sichuan last year over half the 10 or so teachers stayed on and re-signed new contracts.

I am not advocating or doscrediting any school here but just offerring my experiences. I had great times living and working in all of these places. Happy job hunting everyone!

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Re: Aston English Wuhan - Teachers Discussion -- Jason -- 2008-07-29
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