Dos - 2004-11-13
In response to China FAQ (CHINA TEFL JOBS NETWORK)

Some of this information isn't quite how I would have put it.

The visa information especially can vary from province to province. The easiest way is to get a visitors visa, cheap and fast, and then get the school to do a Z-class once you are in China, though this isn't allowed in some provinces! Be careful!!

An F class visa is a business visa, and they usually last about 3 months, (can be more) but they shouldn't be used for teachers. A Z-class visa is the *only* one you should accept if you want to be legal.

Hours in universities are often low, from 10 hours up, but pay is also lower usually. (3-4000).

Private schools usually want teachers to work up to 24 hours/week, but tend to pay more. For a private school you shouldn't accept any less than 5000RMB/month, plus a free apartment. Anything less is a suckers wage for a native speaker in a private school.

If you use an agency (such as TEFL.CC!!) make sure you get all the details in writing, speak to the school directly and try and speak to current and past teachers as well.

I would recommend dealing directly with the school. That way you can get the information from the horses mouth. There are plenty of jobs out there which are easy to find. Why go through a middleman?

Messages In This Thread
China FAQ -- CHINA TEFL JOBS NETWORK -- 2004-11-13
Mmmm -- Dos -- 2004-11-13

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