View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Dan - Dont come to Holland! Just dont bother!
Katie - 2004-11-15
In response to Canadian TESL Teachers (Dan)

Hi Dan,
Whatever you do if you want to work dont come to Holland! just dont bother. I was in Spain and Italy for 4 years and always had work and now I have been here for over a year without anything. First of all, the Dutch speak english more or less - they learn it in high school and the culture is nothing more than a watered down version of everything english speaking possible. They watch more english speaking TV than anything else. There are only about 10 language academies here - mostly in Amsterdam and they want you to have certificates coming out of your ears - and the positions are all for business english. I came here after alot to time in europe so I know the ropes and there just isnt work here. They will also try and rip you off if they can and have to be the coldest, most boring and inhospitable group of people I have ever met. I dont think the words smile or laugh are even in the vocabulary. They will constantly take advantage of you to improve their own english but when there is a problem or a social function they will only speak dutch to you so its impossible to learn the language. I grew up speaking french - and after being in Spain for one year I was almost fluent in Spanish because I spoke it all the time when I wasnt at work. Just dont bother. It is a really depressing situation here and no one will help you. They dont like foreigners and in alot of the school the dutch who speak english teach the classes. You wont find work, you wont have a good time, the weather is rainy and grey and the people are just downright mean. Why am I here? I came to help out a friend and now I am trying to get out of here as soon as possible. If there was ever a country and people on my list of the worst places to live this would be at the top. I am also Canadian but I have an EU passport so I dont know what visa situations are like. I think its hard in Spain as well. But avoid countries also like Sweden - all the Nordic countries have excellent english programs. Its also tough in France - I mean just look and see how many postings are for France? They also have an excellent system for learning english in the high schools and arent too fond of the language anyway and only use it when they have to - again I think I can speak from experience here - my mother is French and I lived in Paris and went to high school there. I think there are probably the most opportunities in Germany of all the countries you mentioned but Italy would be good as well, did you mention Italy? There are loads of posting for all over the place and it really is a pleasant country and the people are so nice you would have a really good time. If I can be of any help let me know. But use your common sense before you decide and think to yourself - If I have never seen a posting for work in Holland what does this indicate? Once again please dont respond telling me how great Holland is because you passed through Amsterdam for a week and got stoned in all the coffee shops and walked around in the red light district. I dont have time for that kind of nonsense. If you have lived here like I have for almost 2 years then I think you may have something to say otherwise lets not go there.

Messages In This Thread
Canadian TESL Teachers -- Dan -- 2004-11-15
greece -- Henry -- 2004-11-16
Dan - Dont come to Holland! Just dont bother! -- Katie -- 2004-11-15
Europe can be cold -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-16
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