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The Arrogant One - 2004-11-15

:b Way back in 1952, when I was but 15 years of age, I paid a visit to the Philadelphia World Affairs Council and was struck by the multitude of projects they had going to promote universal harmony. Of course, those times witnessed the Korean War, the Cold War, the Whittaker Chambers-Alger Hiss Trial, the Rosenbergs, etc. ... events which were hardly of a harmonious nature, to be sure. But what did appeal to me was the Council's (then) new international penpal program. As I recall, in 1952 my weekly allowance was all of $5 (not awfully shabby for the times) and that I would inevitably wind up spending every last cent of it on postage for my soon-to-blossom international correspondence with such far-off places as Brazil, West Germany, Spain, Austria, and Italy. Fortunately, through this medium, I was able to make the acquaintance of an extremely intelligent chap of (then) 18 who was preparing for his entrance exam for a tough course in international marketing. We soon discovered we had much in common and opted to continue our correspondence which, in a relatively short time, blossomed into a full friendship. To make a long story short, Alex only just recently reminded me that December will mark the 52nd anniversary of our friendship! More importantly, in all these years we have "shared" school, marriage, childbirth (He actually named his first son after l'il ole MOI!), entrepreneurship (Would you believe we were in business together ... not once, but TWICE?), success, disappointment, health, sickness, and the deaths of our parents ... taking us right up to the present day -- a time which he chooses to refer to as our "twilight phase." In our 52 years of friendship, we have visited each other on 8 separate occasions ... five in Europe and three here in the USA. Most of all, he admits that over the years his English has improved immeasurably, while I've probably learned much more from him than I could ever begin to realize.

With all of the above well in mind, it is little wonder why I opted to teach English to foreigners both here and abroad. But, to my deep chagrin, I was quick to discover this was no elementary process. The often vast cultural differences that exist, not to mention the attitudes most Orientals usually bear toward us foreigners, are impediments which must be considered from the get-go. Then there is the deep fear that we (foreigners) might upset the applecart by attempting to -- as Paul Hodge astutely infers -- negatively alter teaching methodologies which can be safely categorized as more than slightly pass. Ergo, one's choice of "foreign posting" must consider such factors if, indeed, it is to provide a successful foreign adventure. 'Tis a genuine pity there is no guarantee our good intentions will likewise be viewed in the same positive light as originally conceived. Alas, there are far too many negative factors that come with the same package. But, the way I have always regarded the problem, we must strive to establish an individual example (of honest intentions) before any change of regard for us as a nationality or a race can be aroused. And, in this respect, I believe it would surely help to be endowed with a capability to last out the constant "testing" which we are much too often forced to face (particularly in Asia) without cracking under the pressure. For some teachers, this has been tantamount to a sacrifice of one's ego or individualism -- especially in having to knuckle under by complying with everything that's dished out by one's employer and host country. As truly dedicated and highly innovative educators, all we ever desire is to be accepted for what we so strongly feel we can contribute to any local scenario. Ironically enough, in so many cases, this can seem like an impossible dream. Oh, well ...

Love to all,
The Arrogant One

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