Birdman - 2008-08-04

What is the most unprofessional thing you've ever witnessed or heard of a teacher doing?

There's a few unprofessionals at the university I work at; one wandered off during a field trip and went into a private hot spring with a female student causing everyone to wait one hour on the bus for thier return; another often spends conversation class playing card games with his students, arguing that he generates conversation this way; another teacher asks her class every morning if they feel like studying and then teaches or doesn't teach the class based on thier requests.

I've accepted that I'm not going to be popular with students while working at this institution, and it doesn't really bother me. I enjoy teaching. The alternative of sitting around killing time and/or flirting with the students would make me feel sad and worthless. Basically I can see my students improving and that gives me enough reason to come in everyday.

Does anyone else have stories?

Messages In This Thread
Teachers.. -- Birdman -- 2008-08-04
Re: Teachers.. -- Byron -- 2008-08-06

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