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doesitmatter - 2009-04-30

Actually, I didn't say that a training center would provide better education. My assertion was that students believe that. In some cases they may be right, but in most cases they are not.

Unfortunately, although I will be teaching at a first tier college beginning next fall, I am now teaching at a third tier college. Actually, it wasn't a bad experience when I first started here because at that time the Dean, amazingly, put the students first. As it is now, though, due no doubt to pressure from the leaders, profit has been placed above the needs of the students. When I started there were only 9 teachers, but the college has grown so quickly in the past few years that there are now 25 teachers. Few of them have any experience whatsoever and most of them care little about the needs of the students. Since I am and always will be an advocate for the students I have gained a reputation as a trouble maker. Therefore, the Dean will be happy to see me go even though he would extend my contract if I asked him to do so.

But getting back to the question of training centers, surely you can't believe that all of them are bad. I'm serious when I say that I know of a few that are pretty good. They only hire well qualified teachers and they provide exactly what they say they will provide - both for the FTs and the students. Consequently they have great results and a good reputation locally. Yeah, it's pretty rare that one will find such a situation, but it does happen. I would guess, though, that about ninety percent of them are useless and run by charlatans and staffed by FTs who, as I've stated before, are only participants in a scam that ultimately is a waste of time for the students and robs the parents of what is often hard earned cash.

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Re: "What private providers in the ESL/EFL industry should NEVER do". -- doesitmatter -- 2009-04-30
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