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Richard Hones - 2010-11-28
In response to Re Web International on mainland (englishgibson)

I currently work for Web international and unfortunately cannot recommend it as a positive experience.

Materials are out of date, training is non existent.

It seems so long as you are western, not necessarily a native english speaker, you can be employed.

Working hours are difficult, evenings until 9pm and weekends often until 8pm
I have no library of resources and have to create all my own materials for english corners.

Full time staff are not treated with any respect, more like a piece of equipment.

Part time staff are put under pressure to do one class after another with no time to prepare.
Teaching quality is low due to pressures from 'management'
Essentially this is a business where the principle is to take the money and then leave the teaching problem to the teachers with little or no support.

If you have pride in your work and truly care about teaching students good english, this is not the company for you. If you do not care then the salary is okay if you don;t mind the hours.

Messages In This Thread
Web International on mainland -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-18
Re Web International on mainland -- StuckInChina -- 2010-12-27
Re: Web International on mainland -- Pascal Scott -- 2010-08-26
Re: Web International on mainland -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-01
Re: Web International on mainland -- samraimi -- 2010-08-29
Re: Web International on mainland -- englishgibson -- 2010-08-27
Re Web International on mainland -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-22
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