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Choatle - 2008-03-20

I would love to see some of these studies. Honestly, this is a rather ridicules arguement. To say that, because someone is a non native speaker that they can actually teach English better than a native is absurd. One has nothing to do with the other. People who are better at teaching will teach better, it's really that simple, their ethnic background has zero to do with it. I can see where you might believe that, since it is not their first language, that they must study it with more intensity, and that that greater level oif study would lead to greater mastery. However I have to disagree with this viewpoint, your talking more about technique then mastery in real everyday use, not to mention applying an arbitrary analysis to the equation.

Let's say I was Russian, I'm not of course, but lets say I am. I speak Russian only. When I am a child of 7 or 8 my parents decide I should learn English. By the time I am 18, through careful study, and overbearing parents, I speak it reasonably well. After going to university and studying more, I speak it even better. Then I go to live abroad for a few years. After this time I speak English so well that the only thing that distinguishes me from a native speaker is my accent. Now I speak it and can teach it better, right? I can do so because I have so much more understanding, from years and years of careful study, study that westerners do not partake in. Right? Wrong.

For starters you are missing the simple fact that English is a major in American universities as well, like any other subject. Also you seem to be missing the fact that western students study English in school all the way up to their graduation from high school. Therefore I am curious, how exactly are you more qualified then someone from a western country, who speaks perfect English, and has also studied it all of their lives, and in point of fact longer then you?

I have heard this nonsense before, and usually it is spewed by the insecure non native speaker turned English teacher, plain and simple. Insecurity aside, your not any more qualified then anyone else simply because of your ethnic status, believe me. Your certainly not more qualified then someone who has studied English as their major, and is a gifted teacher.

Therein lie's the flaw in your arguement really, for all teaching is not limited to knowledge, there is also the matter of ability. If someone lacks the knowledge they can always study and get it, you don't need to go to some building and sit down with other people and read a black board to get it. Ability though, talent, can never be attained, you either have it, or you don't.

Therefore, no, your ability to speak near perfect english, your technical skill with the language, means nothing if you lack the ability to teach. What this means is that, no matter how much you know, if your not able to teach it well, who cares. Your arguement is flawed in other ways also, as I have already pointed out.

Bottom line, it is ability to teach that makes a good teacher, not your command or understanding of a subject. Those things can be gained if lacking, but talent can not, it can not be learned or aquired. That said, which is more important do you think? Precisely my point, which one is more important is rather obvious, so your arguement is spurious at best.

Messages In This Thread
GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Mark -- 2005-08-26
Re GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- BG -- 2016-06-19
Re GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- BG -- 2016-06-19
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Charlie -- 2008-09-03
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Ron -- 2008-03-19
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- My title is not important. -- 2008-04-02
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Choatle -- 2008-03-20
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Gingermeggs -- 2008-03-20
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- wondering -- 2008-03-20
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- H.Liu -- 2008-03-27
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Wally -- 2008-08-05
Re: GLV Zhuhai, China - ESL school review -- Super Dave -- 2008-05-06
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