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OK, Im back.

First off Lipstick, wow, your pop psychology analysis of the attention-grabbing username I casually typed in to contrast myself with the other posters in the thread is very deep and thoroughly unsettling to my mental temperament and perception of myself as an individual and my role in society; I have evidently been highly discredited in the eyes of others in this thread. lol. The very fact that you felt the need to mention that shows how personal this issue is to you and how craven you are being in going after the school which, as I said in my first post, does suck in many ways, but as you omit to mention has a few redeeming characteristics, too.

It wasnt a leadership guy that ran off to Thailand (accepting what you want to believe is often more palatable than thinking about something) it was a middle aged American guy that did a midnight run. That happens sometimes because Huijia hires ESL teachers and sometimes ESL teachers do midnight runs! The school went in for collective punishment (i.e. pay after the holiday, not before) which may seem barbarous to us Westerners but thats just how they roll in in China and it will be for a while yet. Presumably, you interpreted what I said to mean that the school said no early pay because some manager ran off with our cash, so deal with it. Well, thats not what happened. I suppose I was assuming some degree of familiarity with Huijia lore when I wrote that.

Your claim that your innocent mistake of accepting Huijia work ruined your chances in China despite nine years of experience in the US as well as being a legit teacher is obviously and demonstrably absurd. There are ex-Huijia teachers I know who are currently at BCIS, Qinghua high school and World Youth Academy in Beijing alone. And thats only the ones I know and Ive not even been here that long. Maybe, just maybe, those schools you applied to just found someone better suited to the job than you? If you wanna bring psychology in to it again, maybe they detected in the way you spoke about the school in your interviews that if they blamed your rejection on your association with Huijia, you would accept that unquestioningly and leave them alone? Or maybe the whole thing is just a lie. Like I said, Im not defending the school, but merely saying lets stay within the strait-jacket of plausibility while we criticize it, eh?

OK, the next post replying to me: congratulations, I was indeed not being entirely serious when I invoked a comparison with Hitler. I can see that if you were in one of my classes you might even be in the top half! Indeed hes not a role model. I was implying the contrary in fact. Thats a puzzling non-sequitur from you there. Also, why are you defending Hello Kitty? He/she made a series of serious, unsubstantiated, personal and anonymous slanders; you have ignored my pointing that out and instead cling to some other, more defensible (i.e. it is possible to defend it) position made by a person with a grudge typing crazily.

Get a life is not an original way to make a point. It is, however, an effective one. And in this context it means dont you have anything better to do than passing extremely harsh and personal judgements on people you don't know over the Internet? If youre gonna slag off the school and the people who work there, at least be accurate, otherwise youre no better than them. You can talk about the school all you like and Ill smirk at my laptop while reading it, but the mistake made in this thread was targeting the foreign teachers who were presumably considered to be far too busy with their debaucheries to respond to your abuse. Maybe you just werent cool enough to hang with the cool crew? I laughed at the second sentence of your final paragraph. Nothing sounds like a guy losing an argument like the guy accusing the other person of doing exactly that. More irony for you.

Turnoi, I've seen you on this board a few times before and you often seem quite coherent and I like those of us who ask difficult questions about rich organizations and understand that the Internets (especially in China) are filled with (poorly) paid monkeymen and that we should fight the good fight to expose and humiliate them. However, I am not one. Im not sure how youve concluded that I was posting in the schools favour. (Please re-read my first post.)

So, in summary: obviously, I am a laowai who got annoyed reading comment after comment implying that I and all of my colleagues, some of whom are good friends and very capable are all completely unfit for the job. So I thought Id point out that amongst the attack crew are clearly some people who have very personal problems with the school which run possibly deeper than what they are declaring. Most of us have been having a bit of a laugh up here reading the abuse - although you have upset a couple of people, too. Congratulations. Another consequence of the stick were getting is that youve given a lot of people more leverage in their contract negotiations for next year. But if youd have left your former colleagues out of it, your cause would have probably been aided by some of them joining in, rather than just having me waste my time typing this out.

Messages In This Thread
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- THEKING_HASRETURNED -- 2011-02-22
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- pleb -- 2011-02-22
Beijing Huijia Private School Lackey -- Hello Kitty -- 2011-02-22
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