mark - 2012-07-26

well i was only there for a 2 month contract as the teacher before me packed up and left.
they provide accomodation and meals (i didnt eat there once, but im picky)

The city: the city is a small town like place on the outskirts of hangzhou.
I found it boring and like other crap little citys for the first couple of weeks.
but after a month i was enjoying my self. people are friendly, some of the old people do stop and stare at th westerner and if they have kids with them the will stand next to the window and watch you eat. the younger generation (say under 40) are much more friendly, more so than any other place i have been in china (been here 4 years).

so the city get 4 stars for me.

i was teaching in the high school (way out of my depth as im used to young kids which are easy for me)
i was very much left to my own devices but was given a computer that could connect to the projecter. very nice..
the school paid on time and in full. so no problems there.
the accomodation smelt, (bad plumbing but once that gets fixed the house was fine, its a nice touch to be put with several other western teachers on the same floor, so there is always things to do and people to go out with)
i would give the school 4 stars
and the accomodation 4 stars as well..

so all in all a very good experiance (i would give 5 stars but im hoping there will be a better school somewhere, i just need to find it, so i reserve my 5 stars for when/if i find that school)
yeah, you cant go wrong with this school.

Messages In This Thread
yongxing -- mark -- 2012-07-26
Re: yongxing -- xingyong -- 2012-07-27
Re: yongxing -- Stand Alone -- 2012-09-03

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