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Rebecca - 2012-09-03
In response to Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z (M...Really?)

You are all correct, my grammar isn't perfect in my last posting. I guess that's because I mistakenly thought that the content was the most important thing, but clearly it's my use of punctuation that is key. Why talk about the need to use these forums for constructive discussion, when we could talk about commas. Yes you have me there, I don't give a crap about my grammar on an informal blog post- guilty as charged. I care about things like not posting lies about teachers- how do you know what kind of visa I have? I care about trying to improve thing by giving useful information, not making blanket accusations about an entire company. Clearly I must be unintelligent if I like my job, clearly I must be unprofessional if I work here, clearly if my views on my experience in China are not negative then I must be lying? If you can say you hate Meten, why can’t I say I don’t? In fact in my last post I don’t even defend Meten that much, I simply say that when there are problems at work you can either sulk in them, or you can try to improve your own situation.

It was the other poster who criticised your, grammar/spelling/punctuation. But as you have brought it up; spelling, is not so important; if we make a mistake, using then, instead of than, that does not really matter, because, unless we are not native speakers, the meaning is still clear; whereas, punctuation and meaning are both inextricably involved.

I don't know your Meten school, and it could very well be an evil place for all I know. What I do know, is that, you should be allowed the right to defend the place without being shouted down. Are you saying that Meten used to be evil but no longer is? Well, all things can change. What has changed about Meten?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Rebecca -- 2012-09-02
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- M...Really? -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Rebecca -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Dragonized -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- Dragonized -- 2012-09-03
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z -- San Migs -- 2012-09-02
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