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Dragonized - 2013-02-19
In response to Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved (ASTF)

Well I was basing that assessment on the following that dragonized wrote

Which leads me to my next point, my main one on why I believe the moral inferiority issue.

That next point being the one I posted a response to (a lack of individualism in chinese culture) which included statements such as

modern chinese culture as interpreted by the chinese is one that rests its laurels on taking abuse and breaking down individualism


Individualism is demonized

The Chinese cannot tolerate each other for doing better. In Mandarin this is called, "Jian bu de qi ta ren geng hao". Even within families the Father will badmouth the Mother's side of the family or vice versa towards the kid. Have you seen a genuine effort to tolerate people of different thinking in this country? No. They are either marginalized to the very bottom of society or snuffed out completely. If the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence thought like how Chinese founders thought, they would have already started to murder each other and fight it out before the Brits even left. You would have seen Franklin troops attacking Jefferson troops and forming temporary alliances with Washington troops only to start killing each other the very next week.

I fully agree. In fact I remember advising a poster on here not long back to do a bit of research on the basics of high and low context communication as it might come in handy while visiting the Far East. If only more teachers had the vision to understand the differences in these simple day to day things and the sense to veer away from questions such as which system is superior or which is right and instead just accept them as being different.

Your own arrogance at your statements being the end all of all arguments comes out, again. There are plenty of immigrated Chinese who would disagree with you, that I am sure of. But of course if you had met them you would probably try and monopolize the conversation with your own tripe, showing how much you're afraid of the different experiences of other individuals. You would rather see the world as defined by countries and cultures rather than by the differing situations and underlying reasons of how things are interpreted. China does make it easy to not have to think, eh?

Messages In This Thread
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-18
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- ASTF -- 2013-02-19
Re: "AMAE" or the Desire To Be Loved -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-20
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