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ZZlaowai87 - 2014-07-23
In response to CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ (Texas Chuckles)

So I just thought I'd throw my own opinion and experiences out there as they differ form those of the person who wrote this post.

Jessica was/is a moron, the best thing that ever happened to CZZ was her quitting she was puppet who no opinions of her own. (but really this isn't about her)

The rest of it, I really haven't that experience I've been here 9 months and had a completely different experience with CZZ. Dana the recruiter is actually pretty great, is true to his word. In my contact with him he has never said yes to something if he didn't think it was possible. Marco isn't my favourite person but when I asked to switch schools there wasn't a problem and I did. I've been offered some extra part-time work but never really taken them up on it mostly because it just doesn't seem worth it to me (which maybe is your problem...).

I have heard of people being shopped around, this wasn't the case in my experience. However the people being shopped around were non-native speakers and older (45-50+), and to be honest from what i've seen here in Zhengzhou not just CZZ it's harder for non-native speakers and "older" people because schools don't want them.

My temporary apartment was shit, I told them. I moved, got a cleaning service in and that was that. No it's a palace, it has one bedroom, living room with a couch, a small kitchen, bathroom, washing machine etc. Remember guys China is a DEVELOPING COUNTRY apartments aren't going to be the same as what you're accustomed to in the USA or other places like the middle east where people go to teach.

They didn't give me a copy of my contract right away, but when I asked for one I was scanned a copy no problem or questions asked. The contract is pretty clear so I don't see how you could get fucked on it? You get xxxx amount each month, if you miss class or don't work a full month you don't get paid a full month pretty standard. My friend at another company who worked there for THREE YEARS had the previous year been approved to come back late (after national week) and was supposed to still be paid because her students were first year students and had military training. However they forgot and deducted 1000USD from her salary so I don't really think CZZ is that bad.

The TA/CS's are pretty good, the girls really are awesome I have to agree with that. My friends at other schools in Zhengzhou don't have this so I'm pretty happy I have someone to call if I need help...

Payday: I have never been paid late. Paid on the 15 or if that day is on a holiday/weekend, next business whats so hard to understand about that. Of course no company is going to pay you early!

Also who cares about the previous teacher, do a good job and don't get involved with who was there before you; you'll have significantly less problems if you do this.

Sounds like to me you're expecting to work for an AMERICAN company, guess what you're in CHINA. I know from talking to current employees who have worked with these problem teachers and they've said that a lot of the problems CZZ has had is with older teachers who just can't get used to working in China. So Dude get over it and move on. You're taking this way too personally - I really don't think CZZ was out to get you and I mean anytime I've adjusted my contract (rarity) they've written it down and it's been followed.

Overall my experience with CZZ has been pretty good!

Messages In This Thread
CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Texas Chuckles -- 2014-07-22
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Uk12345 -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- John O' Shei -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Foreign Devil 2004 -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- formerZhengzhou -- 2015-08-12
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
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