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Justice - 2014-07-25

Beijing New Youth School, More to Learn or Motianlun is.....!

The Principal's translator asked me to speak with him and I did. He refused to talk to me in English. He handed me a letter which I have taken a picture of that said I was fired. Lucky for me a friend of mine was present as he handed me the letter and started to speak only in Chinese. The school gave me 3 days to leave the country and move everything out of my apartment. If I did not leave in three days the school threatened to cancel my working Visa and residency which would result in a HIGH fine for me when I leave the country. The school did promise to give me my final salary if I gave them the keys to my apartment. After this I still did not receive any food or water from the school; there was no sign of compassion for me and there was NO WIN WIN situation. You decide here is the video :

I'm from America and a one-way ticket to the USA is 11000RMB or more at this time. The salary that the school owes me is 9000RMB. Out of Seven teachers only one teacher received more than half of their full salary for the month of June.

The school listed 3 bogus reasons for why I was fired. I have taken a picture of the paper that was handed to me which has not been stamped or signed by the company. None of these reasons are mentioned in the contract or were explained to me before.

The Text message the Principal sent in Chinese is this : 转自校长: 下午四点!你去新青年!我安排斯蒂芬和你一起,跟老黑宣布我的处罚决定!开除老黑,3日内限期离开!原因:1、不服从学校管理,学校要求9号6点前回校开会,他坚决不服从!2、撒谎,明明是他不接你电话、反而诬蔑你不接他电话!3、不服从住宿管理规定,学校要求每次外出回平谷要交护照从新办理临时住宿登记,至今他也不配合!

A rough translation on Google translate will tell you what they thought of my COLOR and that the Principal was not happy.

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Re Beijing New Youth school -- Justice -- 2014-07-25
Re Beijing New Youth school -- Pitbull -- 2014-07-25
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