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Larrrie White - 2007-05-30

While I agree in spirit with what your are saying it is a fact the we do pay the recruiters in a round about way. Many of my more savy friends who can negotiate for themselves get what the recruiters would get . Examples: a business offers pay 400 rmb per hr. for English Classes the recruiter gets 300
and offers you 100. I have a friend who, with his girl friend (Chinese of course) started their own
language school and they making a kings ransom. It seems the schools have a set amount in mind and recuiters know this and cut us out.Our problem is we are not organized. No China is not organized. Collective bargaining has its place. As a member of the NEA and the teachers Union in America I can tell you there is a big difference all the way around. Here there are no standarards at all. A you need is a cute face preferably white, and some lame tesol certificate. Sorry I haven't seen one of those so called Tesol SChools that was anything but a scam. Unless they are attached to a major university. I myself Have a creditial in Secondary education and 24 units towards my masters. Yet I am regularly told that cute white kids with a HS diploma and a tesol are prefered. I also a have a degree in Enlish from Rutgers University and 25 years teaching experince.
Oh I forgot to mention I am African American and Over 50. This my retirement I thought I would travel exciting Asia and broaden my horizens well I have in a way. When I get home I can tell my friends that we have nothing to worry about. These people haven't got a clue. They are victums of the same stupid prejudices everyone else is and are being taught The Lingua Franca of the world by people with little or no training many of whom reagard thier experince here as a lark!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Re: A word of caution to all readers here - ESL school review -- Doubting Thomas -- 2007-05-28
Re: A word of caution to all readers here - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-05-29
You appear to be slightly uninformed - ESL school review -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-29
Re: You appear to be slightly uninformed - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-05-30
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