Return to Index › The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobbins.
#1 Parent Choatle - 2008-05-06
Re: The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobb

Of course you would not be arressted, since you have bribed police and have important businessmen and officials either in your pocket, or benefiting from your business. Frank how dumb do you think we are? Obviously very if you think we don't know how things work. This isn't the west, bad guys don't go to jail too often, and only then if they don't have the money to bribe their way out of it, like you. Give us all a break, Frank Zhang isn't even your real name, tel us all your real name, and than something bad will happen to you I am sure. Please share :)

Frank Zhang - 2008-05-05
The horrible hoodlums , just "Silverboy Edward,Joker,Choatle,Bruce Gills,Larry Romanoff,eddyrobbins.

I have been suffering the nightmares from the hoirrible hoodlums ( the accomplices are together just using the different alias ( Silverboy, Choatle, Turnoi, Edword. Bruice gills...) to make up many kinds of beingless stories to finish "their mission" that is to attack good other teachers and also ruin my business and priceless reputation.

In fact they are just 2 jackals as the damaging group Organized by Larry Romanoff. Larry Romanoff's site was set up on Sep 10th of 2005. my site was set up in 2002 spring. When the boss Larry contacted me in Autumn, 2005, he was trying to damage me and insult me. So that he could do more business and get more unknowing(ly) new candidates to trust him after he ruined me. but in fact, he was not successful. My old clients and foreign freinds have been surporting me for longtime until today. If I was really bad and Unlegal, I had already been stoped and even been arrested as everybody can understand.

I am a very famous and reliable legal agent since 1999. So many schools and teachers like my service. It is why I can keep his job for so longtime since 1999 even though some horrible and nauseating gangsters and jackals never stop damaging his reputation for making sex-metamorphic fun.
we have already helped +1,500 foreign teachers since 1999.We can provide + 200 foreign teacher's contacts to you and you can get to know a REAL Sang Xing.
When some good foreign teachers posted positive things to tell the truth to everybody about me, those horrible hoodlums are starting to attack the good teachers by bad and dirty words. But I can make some of +1,500 foreign teachers who visted me in person contact you direlcty. ONLy they can proof my clean.

Just tell everybody the truth before you accept our free help and service.

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