Return to Index › BEWARE! - E & A College, Qinhuangdao, China
#1 Parent Sonny Kohet - 2007-11-13
Many changes at E & A College, Qinhuangdao, China (a good environment )

These comments were true in 2004, but since then there have been many changes. There were 9 teachers at E&A last year, and all signed a new contract except for 1 who went to Shanghai after being here for 2 years. Of the current teachers 1 has been at E&A for 4 years, 3 have been here for 3 years and the remainder are their second year. The teachers would not stay if it was not a good environment from both a personal and professional perspective. If you have any specific questions, please email me.

Derek Graham - 2004-07-30
BEWARE! - E & A College, Qinhuangdao, China

For any teachers out there who come across this college advertising for teachers then please avoid them like the plague. Myself and six other teachers began working there last September and finished in July this year. From the day we arrived they made every aspect of our lives as difficult as possible, professionally as well as privately. If you have already signed a contract then there's only one thing for for your lives!

If anyone would like to ask me some questions about this shambolic group of weasels then don't hesitate to contact me.

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