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#1 Parent Daniel - 2011-06-16
Re Hess in Taiwan?

You wanna know more about HESS in Taiwan...... I have no words about them go work for another school those people just dont care about their teachers. You have loads of work to do as well as their training is unpractical. You dont pass it you need to pay them 20,000ntd back and they place you at a school if the school doesnt like you they will work you out of the system. Good luck working for them.

#2 Parent Former HESS Teacher - 2011-02-17
Re Hess in Taiwan?

Yes, teaching English in kindergartens in Taiwan is actually illegal, but it's a law that's not really enforced strictly. There are, and have been raids by police in the past and deportations of teachers has happened, but the kindergartens normally hide you when the police are around or get 'tipped off' before the police arrive.

With regards to working at HESS, if you can't find anything better (if you think HESS is the best try actually looking for other jobs) then do a year there and run, you'll see why after 6 months. I had a really bad experience with them, once I met one of their VP's, and discovered that this person had no clue about the business or about teaching, but they didn't see any issues with making teachers work unpaid overtime or split shifts that were 8 hours apart.
With regards to what people say about ethnicity, it's true, the same VP I met, mentioned to my friend that they found black people to be 'scary' and then questioned where my friend was from (my friend was born and raised in America, but their grandmother was Asian, so they have a very slight Asian look about them). Being racist is one thing but this VP was being racist towards their own race!

My advice, check out Happy Marian or Kojen or somewhere, from my experience people have a better time there, and their staff turnover is a lot lower

#3 Parent AMonk - 2010-03-14
Re: Hess in Taiwan?

Hi Alyce,

I doubt if "Dan" will reply. His posting is 30 months old now, and I can't recall seeing much (anything) else from him since this appeared.

Good Luck with your job hunting, though.

#4 Parent Alyce - 2010-03-14
Re: Hess in Taiwan?

Hi Dan, could you tell me, honestly, how is HESS as far as legality and workload? I was really excited about the company - I've been pouring over their website and it seemed really great. Then I got the forums and started seeing horrible stories about how they aren't legit (that the kindergarten classes are actually illegal??? and that teachers have gotten deported?). I also read that during the training process (after you've already paid to fly to Taiwan) you can still get kicked out?

But other than the legal issues (then in other places I read that they were legit or that the kindergarten issue was a "gray" law and because HESS was so big they were able to "protect" their employees for the most part...) I am concerning about how a great deal of people mentioned having to work at least 40 hours on a 20 hour contract (with 20hrs worth of pay)?

I was really excited about applying there but now, quite frankly, I have read so many bad reviews that I'm a bit terrified... If you or anyone else could give me some honest, straightforward, no sugar-coating about HESS legality and work demands, I would really really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

#5 Parent suki - 2007-12-02
Re: Hess in Taiwan?

for anything you want in japan check this site in english:

#6 Parent Dan White - 2007-11-30
Re: Hess in Taiwan?

I've been teaching for HESS for about 2 1/2 years. It's not bad. But I'm ready to find something more advanced, possibly like a business English school or more specific teaching with higher qualifications, like a Taiwanese public school. HESS is a great place to start. Mostly, though, they focus on Kindergarten and low level grammer courses.

#7 Parent Jacquie - 2007-11-23
Re: Hess in Taiwan?

Hi, I lived in Taiwan for three years and I would say that Hess is a fairly reputable school. Of course there are many Hess schools, all managed by different personalities but I have never heard anything bad about them. and www.forumosa are the main websites for foreigners in Taiwan.
I am interested in tutoring in Japan. Could you send me a link for a website in Japan?

Stephen - 2007-11-22
Hess in Taiwan?

Does anyone know anything about the HESS school in Taiwan?
Any information regarding them would be greatly appreciated.

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