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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-05-21
Re: Lingdong school Foshan

disappointed, i wish you'd shed a light on how you got hired to that fabulous position and then share with us the length of your stay with this "flexible school foshan". the reason i am asking is that i've met the owner in nanhai, where he's got another "flexible" chain of such schools, and i've also met his couple of attractive female fts that i suspect sing or've sung with him at nights. no disrespect to anyone, but i know for sure this "businessman" is out to look good and he wants his stuff to look good as well. :)

by the way, there's a thread on this school somewhere on this site warning others not to join this rat whole (as one has said). for your info, i think that i've noted there this school uses some questionable materials and techniques and that's why it should be avoided.

a respectful tag question for you; you wouldn't be the academic supervising philipino there, would you? just asking as i got to know one such guy there, via email...they didn't introduce us though.

sorry for your bad luck with the company.

cheers and beers to our sixth sense when we're seeking the fine esl opportunities around

disapointed - 2010-05-20
Lingdong school Foshan

Lingdong according to their website "Lingdong" means Flexibility and it sure does.
1.They are flexible with the contract that you sign changing it without warning or explanation.
2.Flexible with the truth.
3.Flexible with pay and when you get paid and what months you get full pay.
4.Flexible with the hours you work and what work you do.
Pretty much flexible with whatever the school whats but when it comes to being flexible for the staff then the flexibility stops.
I will give you some examples of how unprofessional this and I use the term loosely "Training center" is

1. you will receive a contract that has what you think everything the school expects from you and all you need to know and with think that the school will keep its end of the contract so you sign it and set of for China when you arrive you are give a set of "policies" that you have never see stating if you miss a class you will be fined double pay, if you are late for class you are fined hours pay and many more ridicules "policies" you have never seen because they know you would never agree to them in the first place but what can you do you are there now.During the course of you year contract the school changes the contract you signed with out explanation and consolation taking things away just because the owner wants to and you are told this that it is final because he says so. So teachers are told they will get the relevant work visas when they get to China only to be told by the school that they can't get it and you will have to work illegal and in some cases you even have to pay for your visas and never get reimbursed. These are just some of the things that happened while I worked there and there were many more.

2. The truth is not a concept that Lingdong Management know as 90% of what they tell you is not true !!!!!!!!! They will lie to your face about everything and the mouthpiece for the school is a Chinese guy with very poor English and he is so easy to catch in the lie sometimes its funny or sometimes there are 2-3 people tell you different stories regrading the same thing. Now that is bad enough and very frustrating if you are in the middle but even worse is when the school asks other teachers to lie to fellow teachers for example the school gave some teachers mobile phones and when the other teachers asked where their phones were the school asked the teachers with the phone to say the school didn't give them the phones. Also a teachers was asked to move out of her apartment as the owner was selling it but instead moved another teacher in and asked him no to tell the teacher that moved out. The worse case I thing was when the school asked a Chinese member of staff phone the parents of a teacher they didn't want to resign and lie to them stating that the teacher was working in another school when he wasn't just to give LIngdong a valid reason not to resign him. These are just some examples I know of I am sure there are many more.

3.In the contract it states that you will be paid x amount every month unless the month is not a full paid month and then it will be paid per/ hour which is fair, but what they don't tell you is which month are full paid and which are not. My first year there there were two months that were not full pay when I left it was four. Also it states that you will be paid between x day and y day and when I worked there it was 3 days between the 1-3 of every month my last year there 4 out of 12 months we didn't get paid on time and were never given an explanation and the owner was always back in his hometown ???

4.In the contract it states that you will work 100 hours a month with 4-5 being for promotion work some months you will work 10-15 hour promotion.
The school if they don't have enough classes will make you come in and just sit in the office and "do interviews" which is do nothing

On the whole I have never worked in such a disorganized and unprofessional company in my life.
The top management have no management skills what so ever and the decline of the school is proof of that it has just go worse and the student number are down.
I would urge anyone who is thinking of working at Lingdong School in Foshan to think again and not to believe anything they say. There are plenty of good schools out here but they are not one of them

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