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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-05-12
Re Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

Guys like that can run, but they cannot hide.

And why is that Beijing seems to attract the lowest of the low when it comes to wai guo ren? Visited there twice, and each time I was not impressed with the environment of the city, or the fellow foreigners I met. One african with a chinese wife also told me he had no university education, and he was teaching kids, as well as dealing dope he admitted to me. I know of a british guy in Beijing whose only qualification is a security guard certificate from the UK and a faked degree from Hong Kong and he teaches also.

I thought Beijing would be a place where a guy like you mentioned could not hide, but it seems I am being proved wrong. Good post.

#2 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-11
Re Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

It has always been that way...the guys at the top are often the least educated. Instead, they have relied on stealth and cunning. For example a guy named "Tom" (his name he adopted) from Morocco runs the place in Beijing. He has no college degree. And when he took power in about 2008, he got rid of anyone with a Masters or Doctorate right away. (He is over all the Delter Schools) Then he started going after the college graduates. He tries to tell Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, British, Irish and other native speakers how to teach English. They student used to get a 3 year diploma, a legitimate credential in the UK, Hong Kong or China. Since Tom has no degree and never will get a degree, he decided to change diploma to a degree, with only 3 years of studying low level stuff. The guy who held the post prior to Tom was a lawyer from Australia. He was chased out. As I said Tom is very paranoid.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-22
Re: Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

The meanness of chinese people really needs to be understood in a way we look at children. The chinese look up to foreigners for their money, power, and charisma, at least in a perceived kind of way. The way they idolize westerners is much like how we as primary school children looked up to and were scared of high school students for their supposed maturity as well as how they looked. This is actually a pretty good analogy of the western-eastern relationship in china. The reason I state this is because I recently heard from someone who said that in western media there recently was a study on the average cognitive maturity age of Americans. The number came out to be eighteen years of age. 18 years old!

What does that say about the average cognitive maturity of chinese people? Let me see does it begin with the letter "c" and end with the letter "n"?

#4 Parent Enlightened One - 2011-12-19
Re: Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

The problem is not Delter. It is China. Ever since they got their WTO membership and Olympic games in 2008, China has become meaner. I was at Delter in 2002, 2004, 2005. I went there between university assignments. I went there in 2008 and Delter was mean by then. But all of China has become meaner, compared to 8 or so years ago. You need to especially talk to those British teachers and Americans who can compare it to something, like how it was 10 years ago. The Chinese staff at different places have become more arrogant at the universities. Someone told me this long ago: "Mainland Chinese are always polite but they are not always nice." They will stab you with a smile on their face, including after they have stabbed a friend or anyone. Do you know that Chinese children are whipped and hit with hands, whenever they do not smile? That is a fact . That is why often the Chinese are hard to read. I came for the women, sight seeing and I am a good teacher. Your students are the best part here. And there are plenty of women here away from the place you work at. Be a good American, British person, Candian, Austalian, New Zealander or any other person. Do what is right because it is the right thing to do. Have a good time but do what is right. While you are here but always remember, the Chinese are getting the better end of any deal you make. I was told that by a guy who was first in Taiwan for years and then in Mainland China, after 1979, when he was able to be there. It is just my advice.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-28
Re: Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

Fred I looked up this place and saw that they have franchises in many cities, so they are also yet another crappy mcdonald's type of chain school?

Fred Spec - 2011-07-28
Delter Telfort CHINA: a horrible place

My first job in China and I went to a school called Delter. DELTER TELFORT or Delter Business Institute. It has several variations that they use.

I came in as a replacement teacher. It means every other teacher had quit and I was recruited to work the rest of the year.

Let me start by saying that Delter is a horrible place. There are so many things to say about it but I will just focus on the worst aspects of this school.

To begin with this school has no real accreditation of any sort and no physical campus or locations. They are parasites that live in a host school. They are not legally authorized to get you a working visa and they cannot get you a working visa.

They outright lie to you and tell you to come on a tourist visa and they will change it for you but they cannot and do not do that. They have your tourist visa extended and if they want to get you a working visa they have to ask the host school to do it if the host school can. In fact I never worked for Delter, I worked for the host school even though Delter said I would work for them.

This created many problems, because EVERY teacher got cheated repeatedly out of salary, over-taxed, cheated out of airfare, and never got the traveling money as promised in the contract. When the teachers went to the host school with these problem the host school said You DO NOT work for us, regardless what the contract says and Delter tells us how much to pay you and if there is a problem you need to deal with them. What happened is all the teachers got screwed, repeatedly.

Some teachers got taxed way too much. One teacher couldnt understand why his salary of 6000 rmb had 2300 rmb taken out in a month of taxes. The finance office at the school told him to talk to Delter, Delter said talk to the finance office. Needless to say he quit soon after.

Every teacher got cheated on airfare. It was a shame. Delter made up numerous excuses as to why their airfare was shorted or not paid; the favorite excuse was that school was over and the finance office was closed for the summer and if they wanted their airfare they need to come back in September.

As mentioned EVERY teacher worked on a tourist visa. This is a reason no one should ever do this. One man was teaching English and they didnt seem to like him much. He came on a 30 day tourist visa. After 28 days in China and working for Delter full time they called him into the office and told him they couldnt give him a working visa as promised. They kept his passport the whole month. They told him he had to leave the school that day! On top of it, they didnt pay him his salary saying he didnt work the whole month so they wouldnt pay him. He had 2 days left on his tourist visa. He told them he was going to the police and he said they laughed at him and told him he would be arrested for working illegal at their school. He had no choice to leave China and lost much money in salary and plane tickets. He was screwed royally by Delter.

Delter frequently makes teachers work overtime and seldom pays the contracted overtime making up excuses like Well last week you worked less than the contract house, so this week you work more, its even, even though the contract says a certain amount of hours per week. They outright lie about everything and anything.

The Delter location I worked at went though about 8 teachers in one year. ALL (except the one man) quit. Most did runners, none gave notice.

One local guy came to Delter to do some part time work. He was told he would get 150 rmb an hour/class. After a month he went to get his pay. It was shorted by half the promised amount. He worked 24 hours a week. They told him that the salary was correct he was paid 150rmb for 2 periods, they considered that one class. He had the agreement in writing BUT they decided to change it and he had no recourse. For the rest of us 2 periods was two hours. But they openly cheated him.

I will tell you that complaints to the host school and complaints to Delter corporate go unanswered. Many teachers sought help from the host school or called the Delter corporate office. The responses were simply (from the host school) you need to talk to Delter directly, we have no control. From Delter corporate was always a lame response that the local Delter locations were franchisees and we had to sort the problems out with them.

I can tell you that I did not do any research before I accepted the job at Delter. Had I, I would have stayed away. I hope anyone out there considering a job at Delter heeds these warnings. I will tell you that I, like EVERY OTHER TEACHER there, was cheated out of money and worked long hours and got cheated out of promised overtime. They have an excuse for everything but the truth is they cheat everyone their foreign teachers, their Chinese staff, the host school, and the parents of the students. Delter cheats and lies to everyone.

I will tell you that I bear no malice in my writings. This post is not a fallacy and not a payback in any way. I learned much from this experience in China and this job at Delter. First China seems to have zero standards for what seems to pass as education its only about money, nothing else. I will NEVER work in China again. As for Delter, it is the absolute WORST school in China. If someone every goes to Delter to work then they deserve whatever they get. Delter is the bottom of the bottom of companies in China they are worse than those companies that sold tainted baby milk.

There are many more things I could say about Delter, but I hope you got the gist. I have simply stated what I encountered, from teachers knocking on my door at night wishing me luck and heading to a better place, to students telling me that in the last two years they had 9 different teachers teach them the same class saying that every year all the teachers quit none every stayed more than a few months, and even the Chinese staff turns over rapidly.

Delter is the worst school. It is not from Canada as they promote themselves, and has no physical campuses as they show on their website.

No matter how desperate a person is, Delter is far below your desperation. There is nothing good that can be said of Delter or the people that run it.

Peace out.

If you have questions feel free to pm me. I left out the names of the people who ran the school just to keep from making it sound vindictive or like a personal attack. And I met several other teachers who worked at Delter in my travels around China ALL had similar horror stories and they worked at other locations.

I will post more later as I record more of my bad experiences at Delter

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