Return to Index › Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-23
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

Indeed. I will say a few years teaching TEFL in China does not qualify you for anything in the UK, not at all. Perhaps a part time or voluntary position but beyond that, nothing.

I applied for a basic dead end data entry position and the girl in the recruitment agency seemed baffled by my knocked up CV with my teaching in the public sector in China. So, if you have a house, solid financial investments, perhaps returning to the UK is ok, but otherwise I would not advise it, not at all, unless you spend a few years planning and saving for it, and are able to get back into a well paid job and renting a nice flat from the get go.

Ah wel....

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-22
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

The UK just is not a good place for single 30 something males who have spent a few years in Asia, not good at all.

Yeah sorry to hear that. It sounds like we're about in the same age group. Everything's all about money these days. When you take a look back in hindsight you kind of realize that by going to china to teach we were kind of following the money that was invested into china by all these european and american companies. The rich get richer and everyone else hates each other just a little bit more. Wonderful world, eh?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-22
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

Thanks drags for the welcome back!

As to whether I am doing ok, still no improvement on the employment or housing situation. The UK just is not a good place for single 30 something males who have spent a few years in Asia, not good at all.


#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-22
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

Hey SMGS good to see you back! Hope you're doing okay.

#5 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-21
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

The problem here is with the allegations of racism, dirty and inadequate living conditions, abusive management,not paying airfares/salaries, why SHOULD we leave them alone?

Sounds right what you say but can't know for sure because my Linux seems to have thrown a wobbly and I can't check the thread. I had a brief look at crack of dawn this morning but had no chance to read; [edited]

Usually Linux is okay as you know but tonight I look for a hole to crawl in after all the praises I have sung about it.

Turnoi said he found Linnux inconvenient. I think I know what he means-a new operating system will take you a week or two to get accustomed; after that, it should be easier and more reliable to use (USUALLY) than windows. Linux Mint is certainly easier to get used to than Win 8 which I tested months ago.

My day has been ruined.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-21
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

they are providing teachers with a comfortable living, treating them well and providing education to students at the same time, then why on earth shouldn't they be left alone?

The problem here is with the allegations of racism, dirty and inadequate living conditions, abusive management,not paying airfares/salaries, why SHOULD we leave them alone?

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