Return to Index › Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-22
Re:Berkeley compared to Yuncheng IELTS.

I'm not aware that it is no longer a private school with a false title "IELTS" I am not aware that it no longer takes advantage of African teachers, steals half of their already low wages on account of their colour, from sending them off to Middle schools in Shanxi Province. Will you be a bit more informative as to how they have changed their ways and status to justify your surprising approval?

If they really do what you say, they are the same crap like the rest.
NO NO NO, Turnoi, it's not what I say that's important. In the past you were more than instrumental in wanting the downfall of Yuncheng IELTS, you actually led the onslaught against them. You have now proclaimed, in an air of, so Turnoi has written so let it be done"a close friend tells me that they treat their FT's well"

Perhaps if somebody who support EF suddenly sends in a post saying " a close friend tells me that they treat their FT's well" then we all, having heard them words of magic should exclaim in unison "Fair enough, let's move on and leave them alone then" What's good for the goose is good for the gander, surely?

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