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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-09-14
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

In regards Scottish accents I suggest that you read the book 'does accent matter?' written by John Honey in which he describes the educated Scottish accent as being a thing of beauty. This idea seems to be backed up by British call centres who in the past have generally located themselves in Scotland because research showed that customers preferred to speak with someone with a Scottish accent (that was of course before they moved all their operations to India). On an episode of QI I watched recently it was also suggested via research that airline passengers feel more confident in the ability of a pilot who has a Scottish or Geordie accent.

Of course on the other you can watch old episodes of Rab C Nesbitt in order to hear the cockney scotch or Glaswegian accent at its most extreme and incomprehensible.

#2 Parent John Austin (in Newfoundland) - 2012-09-13
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

In older dialects of English, like the vernacular of Newfoundland which is based on 19th century west country English, the term arsehole is quite common. Phrases such as 'the arse is out of her bye' are common here.

1) I have not been to China but that doesn't mean I haven't been in another culture. I suppose the most foreign place I have been is Cairo. The most linguistically foreign place I have been is the North of England and Scotland. Nobody understands Geordies or Scots. I lived, worked and traveled in Germany with enough German to get around. It helped that Germans (unlike the Scots) are well educated in English.

Belgians were not interested in speaking any language other than Flemish. Same for the French. They were almost as unfriendly as the Quebecois in Montreal and Quebec City.

2) You can always get another passport from your embassy. It's a pain in the ass but it can be done. It is very helpful if you can identify the person who stole it. Your embassy deal with people who are not afraid of some penny-ante school owner.

3) This is the Global Village and nobody should leave their home without the ability to communicate on the Internet. Mail accounts can be compromised that's why you should have several with different passwords.

#3 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-24
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Hello John

Are you returning to the forum, because we're all missing you? Actually, I think you have some interesting things to say.

Getting back to computers. Here is a screenshot-you can can see virtualbox and next to it is a Windows 7 loader, ready to be a guest of Linux. I'm not actually going to install it, just for demonstration, for all the FT's who may want an alternative to what you kindly suggested, but it works well. Of course, if you don't have at least 4 GB of RAM, because you must allocate memory to the virtual engine when it's running, easy enough to add some (usually)

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-24
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Good call Magister! It's a bit amusing to see someone try and give basic advice and lecture down to people who have actually worked in china.

#5 Parent Magister - 2012-08-24
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

First a supposedly 'current teacher' pops up with an email address that suggests he's part of the recruitment side of the business called Austin. Then Mr. Austin senior drops in to give his opinion on the situation. I think the only valid piece of info that he has provided is that you should use common sense to determine whether someone is telling the truth. That being the case I take what was written with a big pinch of salt as it seems this poster hasn't lived or worked in china and has a vested interest in presenting a certain, positive view of his son's business.

#6 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

hisT bloke posting and speaking down to us like we're newbies. Really???

Phew, you got out of bed the wrong side this morning. New posters need to be welcomed, and argued with. The bloke in question has actually been very helpful with his computer knowledge. I expect I can learn a thing or two from him if you don't frighten him off. Computers are a handy part of the FT's gear.
#7 Parent WZ Bananna - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Actually, Chris, methinks the one in Obei was the owner who had death threaths out on the teachers who wanted to leave. But I'd have to doublecheck that with the ppl that are still here to verify.
I've been in Wenzhou a number of years and have heard both good and bad stories bout DD Dragon here. Not sure if they can provide Z visas here in Wenzhou. As far as I was told, only two schools last year got their licsences, the one I work for and another one, but I can't remember which one (darn auld age :P)

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

It seems like this "John Austin" poster doesn't really know much about the socio-economic situations of places in china. To think he originally posted defending a private company pretending to be a "school". Hmm...whom should we trust?

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

This bloke posting and speaking down to us like we're newbies. Really???

#10 Parent Magister - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Wenzhou is off the beaten track


Wenzhou is a wealthy city in a wealthy province. Even a simple google search will provide you with statistics to show that

What you say about learning Chinese to help your transition may be true but if you think that Wenzhou is "off the beaten track" then you're in for a real shock if you head away from any of the provinces that don't border the east coast of china.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

It is impossible for a school owner/operator to isolate a teacher in the manner described in an earlier post. Everyone has a cell phone and nobody should travel in China (or even leave the house) if they can't purchase a cell phone or use an Internet cafe.

Not really. There have been nightmare cases where schools have seized and withheld passports, salary pay, thus rendering a single and broke FT at the mercy of his merciless employer....plenty of such horror stories on these very boards.

#12 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Some of the earlier posts sound like bad movies from the 1970's. The word weasel was used in a way suggesting a non-native English speaker. We'd call someone an assh*le not a weasel. You can also ignore criticism of the current teacher who would not publish contact information for his employees on the wide open Internet. Would you work for someone who would breach your privacy so easily?
No, actually, the term weasel or grovelling weasel, has been used on the forum for some time to accuse somebody of ingratiation. In "American" English that would be 'a brown noser' or as you say assh*le, but English people say arsehole, so as to distinguish it from the donkey-like creature with a hole about its person, its arse. I don't think all of us posters are native born English speakers, so you will have to make allowances, by the way.
#13 Parent John Austin (in Newfoundland) - 2012-08-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

I've read and reread this thread and I want to comment on the use of common sense to determine whether someone is telling the truth. The thread contains several stories that are quite 'creative'. Be advised that Wenzhou and LingXi are remote from 'mainstream' China and I remember that it was difficult for my son when he first arrived. That was several years ago. He is now fluent in Mandarin and is professionalizing one particular DD Dragon franchise. The purpose of 'going legit' is to become a better school and employ better teachers than the other fly-by-night schools. Those other schools have a vested interest in slagging this franchise because they can't compete based on the quality of the product. There is a reason that Hilton succeeded and "The Bates Motel" failed.

Some of the earlier posts sound like bad movies from the 1970's. The word weasel was used in a way suggesting a non-native English speaker. We'd call someone an assh*le not a weasel. You can also ignore criticism of the current teacher who would not publish contact information for his employees on the wide open Internet. Would you work for someone who would breach your privacy so easily?

It is impossible for a school owner/operator to isolate a teacher in the manner described in an earlier post. Everyone has a cell phone and nobody should travel in China (or even leave the house) if they can't purchase a cell phone or use an Internet cafe. Your family and embassy can protect you if you contact them (and how hard is that?). If you don't know how that works, stay home. You should also have a loss-of-contact procedure worked out in advance as there are lots of reasons that you can lose touch with your friends and family. Wenzhou is off the beaten track so there is some onus on westerners to learn some Mandarin. It isn't for everyone but you can freely discuss every issue at the interview stage. The school does not want dissatisfied teachers because of the time taken to hire teachers and the disruption of the schedule when someone leaves without notice.

There are also disgruntled former employees in this world but I will not go into it except to say that people have been dismissed for cause. It is rare but it does occur. It is inconvenient for the school because it disrupts the schedule and someone else winds up doing a major pile of extra work.

In closing, don 't leave home without a well developed b*llsh*t detector, a cell phone, skype, twitter, facebook and at least two working e-mail accounts (with secure and different passwords). Trust your instincts but don't get fooled.

#14 Parent Chris Wilson - 2012-05-14
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Wow, DD Dragon brings back memories. I worked for them for a couple of months back in 2005 at the Longwan location (near the Wenzhou airport). The apartment that they supplied was just a room in the "school" (a somewhat larger condo unit) and bathroom shower was the bathroom for the classroom. I had no privacy and there was no support for me. The "school" had very few materials to teach with and many of the cue cards were missing. The Chinese staff there were improvising everything and not allowing me to follow the curriculum that was taught to me in Shanghai. The manager would ferry me all over the city and I ended up teaching classes in primary schools with over 40 children in each class. Being in the primary schools was supposed to be for recruiting but ended up being a permanent situation as a favour to somebody. I ended up getting sick twice in three months (once when I ate some tainted food but went to the special event at the school anyways) and the second time I had lost my voice and had a fever. My girlfriend who is now my wife came over to my apartment to spend some time with me and took me to a restaurant to get me to eat. Apparently somebody saw me and figured I was faking it because I later learned that in China people always stay inside if they are sick. I tried to explain to my boss what happened and he was threatening to fire me. I then called the DD Dragon head office in Shanghai and Steven's wife listened to what I had to say. After I told her everything that was going on she blasted me and told me she would kick me out of China if I complained again. Honestly I can say that I wasn't a stellar teacher but I tried hard. I had hoped that they would give some more support to young teachers just arriving in China in the future but obviously that didn't happen. There are lots of good schools in China and I had friends that worked in a branch in Oubei who liked it there but the fact that head office had that attitude with me as well was inexcusable.

#15 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-21
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou

Agreed. The recent case in Hangzhou, and it's subsequent mishandling, should further embolden this fact!!!!

Do NOT work for them, you are a fool and a gambit if you do so!!!!!!

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