Return to Index › Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China
Lriwells - 2014-05-12
Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China

Warning... To applicants that are interested for a ESL teaching position and going through an agent that will place you in this ESL school.... This schools name is Huamei Foreign Language School located at 509 huanghe five Lu Binzhou Shandong China and let me tell you about my experience in teaching in their training center and in their kindergartens both old kindergarten and sunshine kindergarten... Plus living conditions that this school has placed me in for the duration of my stay here in Binzhou China..

I like any other applicant back in the year 2013 around October was so excited to get into a real time position as teaching as a ESL teacher so one day I applied through a website and I got an agent that I thought that was okay and I was recommended this school in Binzhou so when I applied I was so excited about it I did the process in applying for a z working visa and took care of my personal situation at home and then I traveled to China on December 7 th 2013... Now when I arrived in Binzhou I was so shocked and surprized about the area the city was very small but the environment was so dirty and it was in the middle of no where which I didnot expect at all.. When I got to my apartment in Binzhou I didnot expect this at all this apartment that they provided to me was very dirty, untidy, not cleaned , smelled very bad, no refrigerator, proper stove, tv, bed had no comforter just had one bed sheet and absolutely no heat in the apartment and my first week staying here was awful.. Internet didnot even work at all and after a few days I told them to fix this and they just gave me a 360.. And said all excuses in the book.. Finally, I was provided with only a refrigerator, two plates with bowls and spoons and forks and knives with one big pot.. Omg no proper stove only a rice cooker that they provided to me and I am using that as a stove until now.. No tv and proper heating at all not even a portable heater at all.. So that gave me a bad impression of this school that something is not right at all..

Now, just to tell you all please be careful when selecting this school, when you are working for a ESL school you should be appreciated for your hard work and not to be critizice because of your teaching. Most of the time in this school there is also a lot of favoritisms amongs all other teachers plus lots of critizicms that is not good all of the time and with me I mostly focus on my job and teaching the students to the best of my abilities when I was with Huamei.. But I was not appreciated for my hardworking at all and I noticed that in most of the classes they wanted more of game,game,game and no lessons at all for the 30 minutes of class.. I did more of 15 minutes for game and 15 minutes for lesson then classes were over and you go to the next class.. This school they mostly go for shouting matches and teachers to be entertainers like monkeys, giraffes, and other animals in front of the class...

There have been a lot of complaints from other native speakers in this school about the management and the human resources manager Alice zhang plus the owner of this school mr. Man.. Always things that they do are in their best interests not yours and most of the time you would be in a situation that things are always in the last minute regarding classes and you really donot have enough time to prepare for your classes at all and always always changes to ones schedule from time to time.. Also be aware that the Chinese assistants at this school they are never helpful to the native speaker teacher when they need help in class like myself they would not do anything to help and most of the time they would be sleeping in class or playing with their phones and answering them during class time which it is very rude to do that...

Racism too in my case my hr told me in the beginning not to say much about the Philippines, but when there are people out there that are going to ask where are you from, where are you staying now, and where is your wife from honestly I cannot lie because my wife is from the Philippines and I personally am half Filipino and half American but I grew up in New York USA most of my life.. Honesty is the best policy and she wanted me to lie to people about that and it's not good at all.. So that gave a negative approach to her character which it's not good..

The school is very dirty, the teaching materials are not good, they were old and ripped up and missing pages and the smart boards are broken and donot work at all from time to time and the structure is not good at the academy in Huamei.. The kindergarten, it's totally different, the Chinese assistants are helpful as always and the environment is okay but one thing those kindergartens are not clean at all, there been an instance that children usually go and do their business in a bucket, pee and poo while I am having class and honestly it's not sanitary and you can get all of those diseases from that as always..

So there's a lot more about this school that you should be aware of but I'll tell you more next time,....



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