Return to Index › Bravo, Turnoi! A very vital post for all readers - ESL school review
#1 Parent Larrrie White - 2007-05-24
Re: Bravo, Turnoi! A very vital post for all readers - ESL school review

thank you no slight taken and you are right the kind insightful and rich assement thet DR turmoi offers should be seen by everyone and again i beg can anyone suggest any good reading on the subject!!!!

#2 Parent Old and Tired - 2007-05-23
Bravo, Turnoi! A very vital post for all readers - ESL school review

First of all, let me thank OP David for taking the time to initiate this thread with his vivid account of his unfortunate (and sadly, somehwat typical) experience at the school in Guangxi.

In reading it, I felt like he was telling almost the exact same story (his written version is far more even-temepered than mine) as what I had just experineced in a different part of China.

And, Larrie White, if that is what you feel you must do... OK... It's honorable I guess, but self-prservation, self-respect (and other closely related issues) should keep in close step with your loyalty.

Now comes Turnoi's contribution, and I it's too bad (no slight to David and Larrie intended in any way) that such a valuable and vital post might get "lost" (or will certainly have a limited number of readers) in this review forum.

Having been visiting the school review and ESL discussion forum (and participating at various intervals) during the past 3 years, I think your thesis regarding the cause and effect relationship between Confucian teaching and contemporary "business" practice is quite potent and certainly supports most, or all of what I feel is happening around (and often to) me and others (of all cultures). It's just matter of tolerance levels, I think.

Anyway, I wish would you consider posting this essay under another heading as well. It should be part of a kind of "primer" for every, well-intentioned person who is considering venturing to China for some sort of "ESL" experience.

Not only that, after four years of teaching and living here and actually (and rather foolheartedly) beleving I was becoming a bit savvier, I continue to fall into the socio-psycho-"business" (Hi, Fish!) web of Confucian-based business "ethics." Obviously, your insightful and persuasive spoke volumes to me at this latent interval also! Thanks, Turnoi!

I hope many, many other readers will find this post -- as well as the entire thread.

David, I'm very sorry to read of your experience, but through your testimony, I feel much more validated in my perception of similar events and episodes that happen around (and to) me, in China.

Best wishes to all of you guys! This thread was a great surprise (and gift), and I hope others can bring some additional, rich contributions to the discussion.

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